18 Part Two Recap

Let’ recap what you have learned in part 2.

Part 2: Key Takeaways


  • Violates the principle of academic integrity and its six values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage
  • Can be intentional or unintentional
  • Is misrepresenting other people’s intellectual output as your own, even if you use it with permission or have paid for it
  • examples of misrepresentation include contract cheating, collusion, improper copying of words and structures, recycling your own work, and improper quoting and paraphrasing
  • Is ethically wrong, because it disregards someone’s previous intellectual output
  • Intellectual output applies to all works or ideas of others, whether you read them, saw them, or heard them
  • Can have severe academic, personal, professional and even legal consequences



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