
Laundry Performance Checklist

Washing Clothing

  1. Check the care plan for directions and client needs. Check with the client for preferences.
  2. Gather laundry items that require washing.
  3. Read instructions on the washer, dryer, and laundry products.
  4. Read the garment labels on the items to be washed.
  5. Sort laundry per the client’s wishes. If the client does not have a preference sort by:
    • Fabric type
    • Separate heavily soiled or stained items
    • Garment labels that have special instructions (ie. Hand wash; dry clean)
    • Colour (whites, darks, coloured fabrics)
  6. Close zippers, buttons, hooks.
  7. Check pockets for items and remove.
  8. Presoak: heavily soiled and stained items. Soak in bleach for 30 min, in the hottest water safe for the items.
  9. Select the correct cycle and temperature:
Laundry Items Cycle Temperature
Heavily soiled items; cloth diapers; whites Regular Hot
Moderately soiled items; permanent press fabric Permanent Press Warm
Bright colours; colours that might run; fragile fabrics; light soiled garments Permanent Press Cold
Delicates; items with labels requesting it Delicate Cold

*Wash garments with colours that may run separately.

  1. Loading the washing machine:
    • If the machine requires you to select the water level, judge the appropriate level for the load size.
    • Do not overload the machine
    • Wash bulky items separately
    • Use a measuring cup for detergent and softener.
    • Front loading machines: clean out rubber gasket for hair and lint. Ensure you wipe down and keep the door open to prevent mildew buildup.
  2. Loading the dryer:
    • Remove lint from the filter after each load.
    • Do not overload the dryer
    • Choose the temperature based on the garment label
      • Wool garments should not go in the dryer; lay flat to dry.
    • Add a sheet of fabric softener, per the care plan and client preferences.
    • Remove garments soon after dryer stops
    • Remove lint from the filter

Assessment: Laundry

Attempt #:

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