
Making an Unoccupied/Closed Bed Performance Checklist

Making an Unoccupied Bed

  1. Check the care plan for directions and client needs. Perform hand hygiene. Explain the procedure to the client.
  2. Collect clean linens in this order:
    • Bedspread
    • Blanket or comforter or flannel
    • Top sheet
    • Incontinence or turning pad or slider system sheet (as necessary)
    • Bottom sheet (flat or fitted)
    • Pillowcases
  3. Place linen on a clean surface.
  4. Follow employer policy for disposing dirty linen.
    • Place laundry bag near bed if this is an option in your facility.
  5. Raise the bed to a comfortable working height.
  6. Put on gloves to remove dirty linens
  7. Remove dirty linen. Roll each piece away from you and place in the appropriate laundry bag.
    • Roll each piece individually, looking for personal items and sharps.
  8. Remove and discard gloves. Perform hand hygiene.
  9. Make the bed with clean linens, in the following order, as applicable:
    • Mattress pad
      • Place on mattress, unfolding lengthwise
    • Bottom sheet
      • Place on the mattress pad, unfold lengthwise.
      • Place the centre crease in the middle of the bed, with the large hem at the top and the small hem at the bottom. Hem stitching should be face down.
      • Position the lower edge of the sheet so that it is even with the bottom of the mattress.
      • Open the sheet. Fan fold it towards the other side of the bed.
      • Tuck the top of the sheet under the mattress, tightly. Mitre the corners.
      • Pull the bottom sheet tight, tuck bottom of the sheet under the mattress. Mitre the corners
    • Incontinence pad or turning pad
    • Top sheet
      • Unfold lengthwise
      • Place the centre crease in the middle
      • Place the wide hem even with the top of the mattress, with the hem stitching outward.
      • Open the sheet, and fan-fold it to the other side.
    • Blanket
      • Unfold lengthwise
      • Place the centre crease in the middle
      • Put the upper hem about 15-20cm from the top of the mattress, with the hem stitching downward.
      • Open the blanket, fan-fold it to the other side.
    • Bedspread
      • Unfold lengthwise
      • Place the centre crease in the middle
      • Place the upper hem even with the top of the mattress.
      • Open the blanket, fan-fold it to the other side.
      • Make sure the bedspread facing the door is even and covers all the top linen.
  10. Tuck all the top linens together at the foot of the bed. The bedding should be smooth and tight. Make a mitered corner.
  11. Go to the other side of the bed. Straighten all top linens. Work from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed.
  12. Tuck in the top linens together at the foot of the bed. Make a mitred corner.
  13. Turn the top hem of the bedspread under the top hem of the blanket to make a cuff.
  14. Turn the top sheet over the bedspread.
  15. Pillowcase
    • Place pillow on the bed
    • Open the pillowcase so that it is flat on the bed.
    • Fold the pillowcase edges under together and tuck them in next to the pillow.
    • Place the pillow on the bed. The open end should be facing away from the door.
  16. Post-Procedure: attach call bell to the bed. Lower the bed to its lowest position. Raise bedrails, according to agency policy. Lock the bed wheels. Store clean leftover linens according to agency policy. Remove linen bag from room.
  17. Perform hand hygiene.

Assessment: Unoccupied Bed

Attempt #:

Completed Date:


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