
Performing Range of Motion Exercises Performance Checklist

Performing Range of Motion Exercises

Review client’s care plan for instructions on which exercises need to be performed.

Explain procedure to client. Provide for privacy and warmth. Assess the client’s status before undertaking the activity.

Observe client’s comfort level.

Wash hands and assess for tubes or drains.

  • Apply gloves if wound drainage or lesions.

Perform exercises slowly and gently, support joint with cupped hand.

Repeat each movement 5 times during exercise period or as directed by care plan and if tolerated by client.

Lower the bed rail near you if up. Elevate bed to the proper working height. Position the person supine.

  • Exercise the neck if allowed by your employer and if your supervisor instructs you to do so. Place your hands over the person’s ears to support the head. Support the jaws with your fingers. Flexion, Extension, Rotation, Lateral flexion.
  • Exercise the shoulder: Grasp the wrist with one hand. Grasp the elbow with your other hand. Flexion, Extension, Hyperextension, Abduction, Adduction, Internal rotation, External rotation.
  • Exercise the elbow: Grasp the person’s wrist with one hand. Grasp the elbow with your other hand. Flexion, Extension.
  • Exercise the forearm: Pronation, Supination.
  • Exercise the wrist: Hold the wrist with both of your hands. Flexion Extension, Hyperextension, Radial flexion, Ulnar flexion.
  • Exercise the fingers: Abduction, Adduction, Extension, Flexion.
  • Exercise the thumb: Hold the person’s hand with one hand. Hold the thumb with your other hand. Abduction, Adduction, Opposition, Flexion, Extension.
  • Exercise the hip: Support the leg. Place one hand under the knee. Place your other hand under the ankle. Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Internal rotation.
  • Exercise the foot and ankle: Pronation, Supination, Dorsiflexion, Plantar, Flexion.

Monitor for pain through ROM exercises. Do not force joint beyond point of discomfort.

Perform hand hygiene. Provide for safety and comfort. Tidy area.

Report and record action and observations according to agency policy.

Assessment: Performing Range of Motion Exercises

Attempt #:

Completed Date:


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