
Comfort and Positioning Devices Performance Checklist

Comfort and Positioning Devices

Check care plan for direction and client preferences. Assess the client’s status before undertaking the activity.

Explain procedure to client. Provide privacy. Perform hand hygiene.

Assemble equipment to be used; bed cradle, pillows, turning sheets, hand grips(rolls), splints, footboard, flannel blanket for trochanter roll.

Turning sheet is used for turning/lifting and positioning of clients.

  • Roll sheet close to client and support shoulder and hip girdles when moving client with sheet.
  • Use correct body mechanics when moving client.

Use pillows to support limbs and torso and maintain good body alignment for the client.

Trochanter roll

  • Fold flannel blanket to a length that fits client from above the hip to above the knee.
  • Roll bath blanket leaving the end loose and place under the client, tucking the roll alongside hip to support hip and preventing external rotation.

Bed Cradle and Foot Boards

  • Place bed cradle at bottom of bed and secure each side to mattress. Bring top linens over bed cradle.
  • Place soles of client’s feet flat against footboard to prevent plantar flexion.

Hand rolls and Splints

  • Apply hand roll or grip under fingers, avoiding the palm of the hand.
  • Secure splint properly to client’s limb or digits according to care plan.

Perform hand hygiene. Provide for safety and comfort. Tidy area.

Report and record actions and observations according to agency policy.

Assessment: Comfort and Positioning Devices

Attempt #:

Completed Date:


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