
Feeding a Client Performance Checklist

Feeding a Client

Check care plan for direction and client needs. Perform hand hygiene. Assess the client’s status before undertaking the activity. Explain the procedure to the client. Provide for privacy.

Position client in the fowlers position, or upright in a chair. Drape a napkin across the client’s chest & lap.

Prepare the food for eating. Tell the client what foods are on the tray. Consider client’s preferences.

Serve foods in the order the client prefers. Alternate between solid and liquid foods. Use a teaspoon for safety. Fill spoon 1/3 to 1/2 full. Allow time for chewing. Do not rush the client.

Sit at eye level with client. Focus on the client during the meal. Talk with the client and encourage the client to eat. Wipe the client’s mouth with a napkin as soon as a spill occurs.

Assisting the visually impaired client with a meal: Tell the client the location of foods and fluids on the table or tray by using numbers on the clock to identify the location. If the client is being fed, describe what they are being fed.

Note how much was eaten, and which foods were eaten. Measure and record intake, if ordered. Remove the tray.

Assist client to wash face and hands. Assist with oral hygiene.

Perform hand hygiene. Provide for safety and comfort. Tidy area.

Report and record observations according to agency policy.

Assessment: Feeding a Client

Attempt #:

Completed Date:


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