
Specimen Collection Performance Checklist

Specimen Collection

Check care plan for direction and client needs. Perform hand hygiene. Assess the client’s status before undertaking the activity. Explain the procedure to the client. Provide for privacy.

Collect equipment:

  • Bedpan
  • Urinal
  • Commode
  • Hat-specimen pan (if using)
  • Toilet tissue
  • Gloves
  • Equipment for peri-care.
  • Sterile specimen container and antiseptic wipes for mid-stream urine specimen.

Prepare equipment and assist client with perineal care as needed. Perform hand hygiene and put on gloves.

Collect specimen:
Random Urine Specimen

  • Ask client to urinate into receptacle. Remind client not to put tissue into the receptacle.
  • Label the specimen container with client’s name, and other information according to policy.
  • Apply gloves. Pour 120 ml of urine into the specimen container. Discard remainder of urine.
  • Place/store specimen according to policy or supervisor’s instructions.

Midstream Urine Specimen

  • Obtain sterile specimen container and label as in second step above. Perform hand hygiene and apply gloves.
  • Provide perineal care; using the antiseptic wipe (or cloth with antiseptic solution) clean around the urinary meatus (front to back for female, circular motion for male)
  • Open the lid to the specimen container taking care not to touch the inside of the lid or the container.
  • Ask the client to void; hold the container to collect the urine to approximately 60 ml; allow the client to finish voiding.
  • Place lid on container; store specimen according to policy or supervisor’s instructions.

Stool Specimen

  • Perform hand hygiene and apply gloves.
  • Collect equipment see step 2: tongue blade, appropriate specimen container labeled with client’s information according to policy.
  • Remind client to void first so the specimen is not contaminated with urine. Assist client to bedpan/commode or toilet (with specimen pan). Instruct client not to put toilet tissue into the receptacle.
  • Collect about 30 ml of stool (from the middle of the stool) using a tongue blade and place into specimen container, replace lid and put specimen into plastic bag.
  • Discard remaining stool/tongue blade and tissue.
  • Store specimen according to policy or supervisor’s instructions.

Discard gloves and perform hand hygiene. Provide for safety and comfort. Tidy area.

Report and record observations according to agency policy.

Assessment: Specimen Collection

Attempt #:

Completed Date:


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