
Evaluation Rubric

Continuing Care Assistant Skills Rating Code

Assessment Area 1 - Beginning 2 - Developing 3 Expected Level 4 - Exemplary
Preparedness Is unprepared - unsure of how to proceed. Dress and language may be inappropriate. Very nervous, but able to proceed with frequent cuing. Often unable to provide rationale or answer questions. Dress and language are appropriate. Nervous and somewhat organized but is prepared for skill. Able to provide rationale and answers to questions. Dress and language are appropriate. Well prepared, confident approach. Able to provide rationale and answers to questions. Dress and language are appropriate for lab.
Organization Does not gather equipment prior to beginning skill. Unsure of necessary supplies needed to perform skill.
Uses incorrect terminology.
Does not know how to use equipment.
Does not gather all necessary equipment and leaves often to obtain missing items. At times uses incorrect terminology. Unsure of correct use of some equipment. Takes more time than expected to complete skill. Gathers most necessary equipment needed to perform skill. Uses correct terminology and knows how to use equipment. Completes skill within allotted time. Organizes, gathers and prepares all necessary supplies. Uses correct terminology and knows how to use equipment. Demonstrates good time management.
Performance Unable to perform skill with prompting or instruction. Does not provide for client privacy. Does not use proper body mechanics. Consistently breaks infection control principles. Uses inappropriate communication for workplace. Able to carry out procedure with frequent cuing. Occasionally fails to maintain infection control or safety principles. Often uses poor body mechanics. Does not provide for client privacy. At times, uses inappropriate communication for workplace. Able to carry out procedure, identifies and corrects errors without prompting or instruction. Follows safety and infection control principles. Uses proper body mechanics. Provides for client privacy. Communicates appropriately for workplace. Carries out procedure without error or prompting. Follows all safety and infection control principles. Uses good body mechanics. Uses critical thinking skills throughout demonstration. Provides for client privacy. Uses excellent communication skills for workplace environment.
Post Procedure Safety and/or comfort measures are not taken. Area left untidy. Failed to document care or report observations. Safety measures taken with prompting. Did not ensure client’s comfort. Area left untidy. Documented care and reported observations according to policy with prompting. Ensures client safety and comfort. Left client area tidy with prompting. Documented care and reported observations according to policy. Leaves client’s area clean and tidy. Ensures client safety and comfort. Documented care and reported observations according to policy.


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