

The Lab Skills Evaluation Manual provides the student and faculty with a consistent skill assessment tool outlining the requirements for successful completion of the lab skills required in the NSCC Continuing Care Program. Demonstrated skills will be assessed and the grade will be Pass/Fail.

Inspired by the format used in the NSCC Practical Nursing Program. Nursing Skills Performance Checklist, the Continuing Care Lab Skills Evaluation Manual was developed to meet the requirements of the Continuing Care Assistant Program. Content is based on the provincial standard curriculum requirements which are incorporated in the NSCC Continuing Care Curriculum and found in the primary text used in the program: Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker published by Sorrentino, Remmert & Wilk.

Skills Evaluation – Successful Performance

The student must competently perform each skill. All criteria will be evaluated using the Continuing Care Assistant Skills Checklist. If the student does not successfully pass the skill demonstration or test on the first attempt, they must consult with the faculty to set learning goals and schedule a retest. The student may only be retested twice after the original attempt. If unsuccessful after the retests, the student will receive a ‘Fail’ for lab and will be required to repeat the course.

Successful demonstration of skill is required to pass the course. The faculty’s signature indicates the student is competent to perform the skill.

In this manual, the skills are arranged according to the course in which they are applicable.


CCA Lab Skills Copyright © 2022 by Nova Scotia Community College. All Rights Reserved.

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