31 Study Guide: Middle and Late Adulthood
Adulthood, Late Adulthood, Death and Dying
- Summarize physical changes that occur in midlife.
- Define menopause and explain menopausal changes.
- What is andropause?
- How does the climacteric impact sexuality?
- How does exercise impact aging?
- Describe the ideal diet for midlife adults.
- Which cognitive skills increase and decrease in midlife?
- How do midlife students differ from younger students?
- Compare the expert and the novice.
- Is there any such thing as a midlife crisis? Explain.
- What is Erikson’s stage for midlife adults?
- What is kinkeeping?
- Compare types of singles.
- How does marital satisfaction vary during the life cycle?
- Describe Cuber and Haroff’s typology of marriages.
- What does Gottman say about communication in marriage?
- Describe the stations of divorce.
- How common is remarriage?
- What happens to personality in midlife?
- Compare styles of grandparenting.
- Compare optimal, usual, and impaired aging.
- Discuss demographic changes in the age structure found in the United States from 1900 to the present.
- America and the globe are “graying.”What does this mean?
- How has life expectancy changed since 1900? Compare life expectancies based on gender and race/ethnicity.
- What is ageism? Define elderspeak.
- Compare primary and secondary aging and give examples of each.
- How common are problems of vision and hearing loss among people 65 and older?
- Describe theories of aging. Why do we age? (Include definitions of Hayflick limit and telomeres).
- How does age impact the sensory register, working (short-term), and long-term memory?
- What is wisdom? Does it come with age?
- Define abnormal losses of cognitive functioning including dementia and delirium. What are nonorganic causes?
- Contrast disengagement, activity, and continuity theories of aging.
- What is socio-emotional selectivity theory?
- Who cares for older, dependent adults? How many are in nursing homes?
- Discuss elderly abuse.
- What are the most common causes of death in the United States?
- What are the most deadly diseases worldwide?
- Compare physiological, social, and psychic death.
- List and describe the five stages of loss.
- What is palliative care?
- Describe hospice programs.
- Who is Dame Cicely Saunders? What are the seven pains?
- What is anticipatory grief? Disenfranchised grief?
- Kubler-Ross and Kessler suggest that this is a “death-defying, grief-dismissing world”. What does this mean?