
6 Objective versus Subjective Observation Evidence

Intentional teachers must learn how to write objective observations. As you observe, it is best to write down all that you see and hear, and report just the facts. It takes practice to learn how to separate facts from opinions. Here are some helpful tips for you to review:

Table 1.6.1: Objective Observations vs. Subjective Observations

Objective Observations

Subjective Observations

Objective observations are based on what we observed using our senses, we record exactly what we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell

Subjective observations are often influenced by our past events, personal experiences and opinions, and can be biased based on our cultural backgrounds

Objective information is based on the facts we gather. If we don’t see it, we don’t report it. We report only details and provide vivid descriptions

Subjective information is based on our opinions, assumptions, personal beliefs, prejudice feelings or can be based on suspicions, rumors and guesses

Results are more likely to be valid and reliable from child to child

Results are often inconsistent and vary from child to child

Objective Terms that can be Used:

Seems to be; Appears to

Subjective Words to Avoid:

Just; because; but; always, never; can’t; I think; happy, smart, helpful, pretty, angry, shy, likes, loves, hates, sad


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Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education Copyright © 2022 by Gina Peterson and Emily Elam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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