
77. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
dangerous continuous
famous hazardous
  1. Celebrities have the most glamorous gowns when they walk the red carpet at the Academy Awards.
  2. They try to outdo each other because they are envious of the gown someone else is seen in.
  3. It is a joyous event for some in attendance, but for those who don’t win, it can seem like it is never ending.
  4. The music for the show is always harmonious and in keeping with the themes of the different films that are being showcased.
List 2
enorm____ camp____
bon____ raven____
numer____ unanim____
cens____ griev____
surpl____ muc____
  1. Have you seen the spacious apartment that Selena is renting for a fraction of what I pay for this tiny place?
  2. When you live in the north end of Halifax versus the south end of Halifax, you can get more for your money.
  3. Let’s not stay inside today, the weather is absolutely glorious, and a walk to Point Pleasant Park will be a treat.
  4. We can also take a visit to the Public Gardens and take photographs of all the fabulous crocus flowers that are in bloom.
List 3
tropi____ histori____
mana____ classi____
numeri____ mus____
obsta____ criti____
medi____ popsi____
  1. The article about the lady who just had quintuplets was in this morning’s paper.
  2. A person with OCD has the neatest house because they do everything in a methodical manner.
  3. The office downtown that my uncle works in is full of nondescript cubicles that are interchangeable.
  4. Since you’ll be here for awhile, you can put the charger for your iphone into that electrical outlet.

Review Words

alphabetical walruses
furious rambunctious
superstitious receptacle
astronomical pretentious
vertically status
infectious fungus
cuticle miracles
particle virus
vocal instantaneous
fluctuating virtuous
recycle biological
gloriously icicles

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Vowel Suffix

Vowel suffix ous says /ŭs/ – means ‘full of’ or ‘being’ and forms adjectives –

Spelling Pattern ous/us

Words that are adjectives end in ‘ous’. Words that are nouns end in ‘us’.

Spelling Pattern cal/cle

Words that are adjectives end in ‘cal’. Words that are nouns end in ‘cle’.


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