Important Terms
The Vowels (a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y and w) are always voiced. Our mouths are always open when we produce a vowel sound. Vowels can be long or short. The long vowel sound says the name of the vowel.
a, apple, /ă/ a, cake, /ā/ a, baby, /ā/
Consonants can be voiced or unvoiced. We stop a consonant sound by using our teeth, tongue or lips.
- b, boy, /b/ c, cat, /k/ c, city, /s/ d, dog, /d/
- f, fish, /f/ g, goat, /g/ g, giraffe, /j/ h, hat, /h/
- j, jam, /j/ k, kite, /k/ l, lamp, /l/ m, man, /m/
- n, nut, /n/ p, pan, /p/ qu, queen, /q/ r, rat, /r/
- s, sun, /s/ s, nose, /z/ t, top, /t/ v, vest, /v/
- w, wind, /w/ x, box, /ks/ y, yo-yo, /y/ z, zebra, /z/
A syllable is a word or part of a word with a vowel sound. Every syllable has a vowel.
Consonant blends
consonant blends are two or three consonants whose sounds are heard, but are said very closely together. Examples:
bl (blaze), br (broke), cl (clip), cr (crab), dr (drink), fl (floss), fr (frog), gl (glass), gr (grapes), pl (plate), pr (prince), sc (scarf), scr (scrape), sl (slip), sm (small) sn (snap), sp (spy), spl (splash), spr (spring), squ (squirt), st (stop), str (stripe), sw (swing).
two letters that make one sound. Example: ch (chin, punch), ck (track), ph (phone, graph), sh (ship, wish), th (thumb, path), wh (whip).
three letters that make one sound. Example, tch (witch), dge (fudge).
Compound words
two words that combine to make a new word with new meaning. Examples: baseball, cupcake.
Base word
A word that can stand alone and have meaning.
Examples: cat, fox, farm, hard, fun, wise
a morpheme (something that has meaning) that is added to the end of a base word and changes the meaning or function of the word. Examples: cats, foxes, farmer, faster, rented, hardest, revision, action, funny, wisely
a morpheme (something that has meaning) that is added to the beginning of a base word and changes the meaning or function of the word. Examples: abstract, adverb, convert, defend, interact, preposition, remake, subway, support, transatlantic
a morpheme (something that has meaning) that cannot always stand alone. A prefix, or suffix is added to a root to form a word. Examples: actor, inject, deport, inspect, suspicious
Combining form
a morpheme (something that has meaning) that cannot stand alone. A prefix, suffix or other combining form is usually added to form a word. Examples: biography, geology, phonograph, photosynthesis
Jobs of e
The letter ‘e’ has several jobs in the English language.
- It is used to make the long vowel sound in the v-e syllable type. Examples: cake, eve, bike, home, cube, flute
- It follows z, s, v at the end of words. Examples: close, give, maze
- It follows the letters c and g to make their soft sounds, /s/ and /j/. Examples: face, mice, age, lodge
- It is used in the Cle syllable type as a visual marker to show there is a vowel sound in this syllable which is unstressed. Examples: table, bicycle, candle, rifle, google, ankle, apple, castle, bottle
Schwa ‘a’
Alaska – /ŭ/ – ‘a’ says /ŭ/ in an unstressed syllable
Schwa ‘o’
colony – /ŭ/ – ‘o’ says /ŭ/ in an unstressed syllable
Unstressed vowels
Any vowel can be unstressed, especially in the middle of a word. Be prepared to change a middle vowel sound to unstressed /ŭ/ to decode words. Examples: col/o/ny, cel/e/brate.
Unstressed common word endings
- al says /ŭl/ Examples: metal, usual, final, typical, capital
- an says /ŭn/ Examples: toboggan, slogan, Canadian, American, turban
- en says /ĭn/ Examples: happen, fallen, forgotten, shaken
- et says /ĭt/ Examples: bonnet, jacket, basket, market
- om says /ŭm/ Examples: atom, boredom, bottom, custom
- on says /ĭn/ Examples: button, common, ribbon, harmony
a person, place, thing or idea.
an action word.
describes a noun.
describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
Spelling Generalizations & Rules
in a one syllable word, where f, l, s, z follows a short vowel, double the f, l, s, z. Examples: cliff, bell, pass, buzz
Cat/Kite rule
A /k/ sound at the beginning of a word is spelled with c when followed by a, o, u or a consonant. A /k/ sound at the beginning of a word is spelled with k when followed by e or i. Examples: cat, clip, crab, cut, cop, kit, keg
k-ck, rule
the /k/ sound at the end of a word is spelled with ck when it immediately follows a short vowel in a one syllable word. Examples: trick, shack, stuck, speck, lock
ch-tch rule
the /ch/ sound at the end of a word is spelled with tch when it immediately follows a short vowel in a one syllable word. Examples: hutch, patch, witch, fetch, botch
Rabbit rule
the middle consonant is doubled to protect the first vowel and keep the sound short in a closed syllable. Examples: rabbit, muffin, bitter. To keep the vowel sound short in a Cle syllable, the consonant must be doubled. Examples: scrabble, paddle, ruffle, toggle, apple, settle, fizzle)
Gentle Cindy
c says /s/ when followed by e,i, or y. Examples: city, cent, cycle. g says /j/ when followed by e, i, or y. Examples: gem, giraffe, gym
er generalization
er is commonly used to spell the /er/ sound at the end of longer words. Examples: super, September, manner, remember.
se/ve/ze generalization
e follows the letter s (note: NOT suffix s), v and e at the end of words. Examples: horse, pave, maze
1+1+1 doubling (CVC) rule
This rule states that when you have a 1 syllable base word with 1 vowel followed by 1 consonant, you will double the consonant when adding a vowel suffix (1+1+1). Examples: funny, hottest, winner
ge-dge rule
the /j/ sound at the end of words will be spelled with dge when it immediately follows a short vowel. Examples: bridge, fudge, pledge, dodge, badge
Drop the ‘e’ generalization
when a word ends with the letter ‘e’, and a vowel suffix is added, drop the e and then add the vowel suffix. Examples: driver, wisest, making, wavy
oi-oy generalization
/oi/ is spelled oy at the end of words and oi everywhere else. Examples: oily, spoiled, boy, alloy. exception – oyster
ai-ay generalization
/ā/ is spelled ay at the end of words and ai everywhere else. Examples: fail, trail, airway, playing
ou-ow Spelling Pattern Generalization
Spell /ou/ with ou in the middle of words. Spell /ou/ with ow at the end of words or when the word ends in /n/ or /l/ (brown owl). Example: The brown dog howled at the moon. Exception – foul.
au-aw Spelling Pattern Generalization
Spell /ŏ/ with aw at the end of words or when the word ends in /n/ or /l/ Example: The traffic had drawn to a crawl. Exception haul. Note: There are no words in the English language that end with u.
Change the y Part 1: plurals
Change “y to an i and add es”. (baby, babies; lady, ladies). Change “y to an i and add es”. Example: carry – he carries; she carries; it carries
Change the y Part 2: suffixes
Change “y to i and add es”, in an open syllable for all suffixes except – ing. Example: (try – tries, trying) In a vowel team syllable just add the suffix, do not change y to i. Example: play, played, playing
tial/cial Spelling Pattern Generalization
Use -tial -tian after a consonant, especially, after ‘n’ in substantial, essential, and ‘r’ in partial. Use –cial -cian after a vowel, like after the vowel ‘o’ in social, ‘e’ in special, ‘i’ in beneficial.
Spelling Pattern ous/us
Words that are adjectives end in ‘ous’. Words that are nouns end in ‘us’.
Spelling Pattern cal/cle
Words that are adjectives end in ‘cal’. Words that are nouns end in ‘cle’.
Syllable Types
a closed syllable has a vowel followed by 1 or 2 consonants. The vowel sound is short. Examples: bath, test, kit, chop, stump
the V-e syllable has a vowel followed by a consonant followed by the letter e. The vowel sound is long. This is a job of e. Examples: cake, eve, bike, home, cube, flute
the open syllable ends in a vowel. The vowel sound is long. Examples: hi, me, go, flu, ba/by, mu/sic
the r-controlled syllable has a vowel followed by the letter r. The r-controlled syllables are ar, or, ir, ur, er. Examples: car, horn, fern, bird, nurse
Vowel Team Syllable
the vowel team syllable is when more than one vowel is working together to make a vowel sound. Examples: rain, vault, lawn, play, meat, steak, bread, feet, receive, eight, sleuth, feud, few, drew, key, they, pie, light, boat, toe, join, joy, moon, book, found, soup, snow, plow, cue, true
Cle Syllable
the consonant le syllable is a consonant followed by le. Count back 3 letters from the end to divide these syllables from others. This is another job of e. Example: table, bicycle, tickle, candle, rifle, google, ankle, apple, castle, bottle
-able /ŭblƏ/
means ‘able’ or ‘can do’
-age /ŭj/
forms nouns
-ance /ŭns/
forms nouns
-cal /kƏl/
forms adjectives
-ed (/ěd/, /d/, /t/)
means ‘in the past’.
-en (/Ən/)
means ‘pertaining to’‘
-ence /ŭns/
forms nouns.
-er – /er/
means ‘one who does something’ or ‘comparing two people/things’.
– es – /Əs/
means more than one or creates a verb.
-est – /Əst/
compares three or more people/things.
-ful – /fƏl/
means ‘full of’ or ‘ful’l.
-ible /ĭblƏ/
means ‘able’ or ‘can do’.
-ing – /ing/
means ‘happening now’.
-less – /lƏs/
means ‘without’.
-ly – /lē/
forms adverbs.
-ment – /mint/
forms nouns.
-ous – /ŭs/
means ‘full of’ or ‘being’ and forms adjectives.
-s – (/s/, /z/)
means more than one or creates a verb.
-sion – (/shun/, /zhun/)
forms nouns.
-tion – /shun/
forms nouns.
-y – /ē/
means ‘full of’ or ‘cute one/dear one’.
ab – /ăb/
means ‘from’ or ‘away’
de – /dē/
means ‘do the opposite’ or ‘out of’
dis – /dĭs/
means ‘not’ or ‘apart from’
inter – /ĭnter/
means ‘between’
non – /nŏn/
means ‘not’
pre – /prē/
means ‘before’
pro – /prō/
means ‘before’, ‘forward’, or ‘for’
re – /rē/
means ‘back’ or ‘again’
trans – /trans/
means ‘across’ or ‘beyond’
un – /ŭn/
means ‘not’
Chameleon ad – /ăd/
means ‘to’, ‘toward’, ‘in, or ‘near’ af – /ăf/; ag – /ăg/; al – /ăl/; an – /ăn/; ap – /ăp/; as – /ăs/; at – /ăt/
Chameleon con; com; cor; col
says /kom/ /kon/ kor/ /kol/and means ‘with’ or ‘together’
Chameleon in; im; il; ir
says /ĭn/, /ĭm/, /ĭl/, /ĭr/ and means ‘not’ or ‘into’
Chameleon sub; suc; suf; sup; sus
says /sŭb/, /sŭc/, /sŭf/, /sŭp/, /sŭs/ and means ‘under’, or ‘below’
Syllable Division Patterns
the syllable divides between the consonants
the syllable division depends on where consonants blends and diagraphs are in the word. Keep blends and diagraphs together.
the syllable divides after the e.
if the first syllable divides after the first vowel, the vowel has a long vowel sound.
if the first syllable divides after the consonant the vowel has a short vowel sound.
Anglo-Saxon layer in the English language
- Many vowel teams indicate the Anglo-Saxon layer in the English language.
ai /ā/
au /ŏ/
aw /ŏ/
ay /ā/
ea (/ē/ /ĕ/, /ā/)
ee /ē/
ei (/ē/, /ā/)
eigh /ā/
ew (/oo/, /ū/)
ey (/ē/, /ā/)
ie (/ē/, /ī/)
igh /ī/
oa /ō/
oe /ō/
oi /oi/
oy /oi/
ou /ou/
ow (/ō/, /ou/)
ue (/oo/, /ū/) - Many silent letter combinations indicate the Anglo-Saxon layer in the English language.
gh says /g/ as in ghost
gn says /n/ as in sign
kn says /n/ as in knight
mb says /m/ as in thumb
mn says /m/ as in hymn
wr says /r/ as in wring
Latin layer in the English language
- The ‘ct’ ending in words indicates the Latin layer in the English language.
- The ‘ic’ ending in words indicates the Latin layer in the English language and is used at the end of words with more than one syllable.
- Latin connectives: ci – sh; ti – /sh/; tu – /choo/
Latin roots
Latin root dic/dict
means ‘to say’ or ‘tell’
Latin root flect/flex
means ‘to curve’ or ‘bend’
Latin root ject – /jĕkt/
means ‘to throw’
Latin root struct – /strŭkt/
means ‘to build’
Latin root tract – /trăkt/
means ‘to pull’
Latin root rupt – /rŭpt/
means ‘to break’ or ‘burst’
Latin root port – /port/
means ‘to carry’
Latin root mis/mit
means ‘to send’
Latin root scrib/script
means ‘to write’
Latin root spec/spect/spic
‘to see’, ‘watch’ or ‘observe’
Latin root spir/spire
means ‘to breathe’
French layer in the English language
- The digraph ‘ch’ has a different sound
ch says /sh/ as in chef - These silent letter combinations reflect the French influence in the English language:
gue says /g/ as in vague
que says /k/ as in antique
Greek layer in the English language
- sc says /s/ as in science
- When y says /ĭ/ as in gym, this is the Greek influence in the English language.
- These silent letter combinations reflect the Greek influence in the English language:
ch says /k/ as in chemical
ph says /f/ as in phone
ps says /s/ as in psychology
pn says /n/ as in pneumonia
Greek combining forms
says /bīō/ and means ‘life’;
says /jēō/ and means ‘earth’;
says /graf/ and means ‘written’ or ‘drawn’;
says /ŏlŏjē/ and means ‘study’ or ‘science o’f;
says /mēter/and means ‘measure’;
says /fōnō/ and means ‘sound’;
says /fōtō/ and means ‘light’;
says /tĕlĕ/ and means ‘distant’;