
47. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
virtue brain
crossroad revue
milkmaid subdue
roast goad
canteen esteem
statue floated
charcoal coached
sweepstake discreet
shoal encroach
vie chimpanzee
  1. Joan and Ricky got a sailboat to travel along the coast of Maine.
  2. Their trip there gave them a chance to try blue crab.
  3. Do you tweet on Twitter, or do you only send emails?
  4. What breed of dog does Lenny have and is it well trained?

Review Words

unseemly conversely
training verve
vie aftermath
misconstrue lengthwise
wheely birthplace
bloated disgrace
soapy reception
hoaxes concept
genteel gestation
constrained versions
committees practice
subdue tinge
coasting sledgehammer
slashes smudge
entertainers tiny

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Vowel Team Syllable

In a vowel team syllable, two vowels come together to make a vowel sound.

ai, chain, /ā/ ee, green feet, /ē/;
ie, pie, /ῑ/ oa, boat, /ō/;
ue, cue, /ū/ ue, blue, /oo/


  1. Add the suffix ‘ly’ to make these words into adverbs:
    keen____ unwavering____
    meek____ reported____
  2. Add the suffix that means ‘in the past’:
    obtain____ regard____
    deem____ scar____
  3. Form the possessive singular and the possessive plural for these nouns using ‘s or s’.
    Subject Noun Possession Singular Possessive Plural Possessive
    girl dimples
    waitress shift
    member fees
    trucker lunch
    ship sails
  4. Identify words in these contractions
    should’ve they’re we’ve
    she’s couldn’t I’ve
    can’t you’ll don’t
  5. Make contractions
    would not you are could have
    they have will not they are
    I am you have would not


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