
48. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
feeble cleeble
ladle plaple
staple trotle
trifle flimfle
thimble dukle
bugle scroptle
pimple burdle
steeple brigle
  1. Do you think you can bundle all the papers up in time to dispose them in the trash?
  2. It was so relaxing on our trip to Portland that for once I was able to be idle.
  3. The bridle on the horse will need to be fixed before you ride him, or you will go for a tumble.
  4. I am going to have to take a rest for a while because my temples are throbbing from all this work.
List 2
dab____ muz_____
lit_____ sup_____
top_____ ap_____
pad_____ muf_____
whit_____ gig_____
  1. Albert has so much stubble on his face that Lucy is finding it hard to cuddle up to him.
  2. Colleen said to get rid of all the rubble to make it better for her to hobble over on her crutches.
  3. I cannot stand to hear the baby cry, so we had better find where you put the nipple for her bottle before she starts.
  4. Did you notice that the baby has dimples in her cheeks?

Review Words

bubble batches
keener loader
sizzle obtained
waitress reproach
absentee reportedly
unwaveringly fingernails
meekly regarded
swarthy hollandaise
coddle digestive
amble boastingly
dues batty
rancid deemed
dimple scarred
silky romaine
vie cozy

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Consonant-le Syllable

These are ‘consonant le syllables. In a consonant le syllable, a consonant is followed by le. Count back 3 letters from the end to divide these syllables from others. This is another job of e. The ‘e’ is silent but is a visual marker that there is a vowel sound in this syllable which is unstressed /Ə/. You now have all 6 syllable types. Cle will always be found in 2 or more syllable words, and will always be at the end of a word.

Other syllable types can be the 1st syllable –

closed as in handle open as in table
r-controlled as in gargle vowel team as in beetle.


Add the suffix ‘ly’ to make these words into adverbs:

keen____ unwavering____
meek____ reported____

Add the suffix that means ‘in the past’:

obtain____ regard____
deem____ scar____
Subject Noun Possession Singular Possessive Plural Possessive
girl dimples
waitress shift
member fees
trucker lunch
ship sails

Identify words in these contractions

should’ve they’re we’ve
she’s couldn’t I’ve
can’t you’ll don’t

Make contractions

would not you are could have
they have will not they are
I am you have would not


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Reading Essentials 2 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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