
51. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
extra alive
aside vodka
Debra arose
alone cobra
Sandra villa
  1. The volcano in Kenya started to erupt a long time ago. What came out of it? Hot, melted rock spilled from it onto the delta.
  2. Their grandpa and grandma came to their home. What’ll they all do when they arrive? They will have a huge hug and then read on the sofa.
  3. He likes films circa the 1950’s with ultra-funny plot lines adapted from old paperbacks.
List 2
Add – ance to these words.
abund_____ domin_____
intoler_____ expect_____
Add -ence to these words.
perman_____ confid_____
depend_____ frequ_____
Add -able to these words.
profit_____ claim_____
adopt_____ accept_____
Add -ible to these words.
comprehend_____ deduct_____
impress_____ prevent_____
Add -age to these words.
crib_____ block_____
drain_____ salv_____
Use the ‘drop the e’ spelling with these words and add -able. Why do we drop the e?
like_____ note_____
Keep the ‘e’ with these words and add – able. Why does the e need to stay for these spellings?
trace_____ change_____
  1. Melvin has a high tolerance for pain and kept his ailment to himself for a while until he couldn’t stand the pain any longer.
  2. He also didn’t want to bother anyone and that increased his reluctance to making us aware of the discomfort he was feeling.
  3. Have you noticed that when you get ready to place your name at the end of a contract there is always that fine print that is barely readable?
  4. What’s the difference between that blue and this blue?
  5. In most cases it’s about whether or not the agency you purchased the products from cannot be held accountable if the deliverable date of your goods is not met.
  6. Please don’t forget to pick up postage stamps at the post office in Shopper’s since you’re going in to fill your prescription.
  7. Which one of you is responsible for making this lovely dinner?
  8. It’ll save you standing in line at the counter and waiting if you also get some of the Band-Aid bandages that are on sale.

Review Words

awoke digestible
atone edible
Aladdin forcible
Alaska legible
tundra sensible
wisdom turbulent
gotten steeped
final decent
blossom juggled
phantom teenager
abundance placed
acceptance placated
insurance ultra
observance tangent
reluctance aloft

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




schwa ‘a’ – Alaska – /ŭ/ – ‘a’ says /ŭ/ in an unstressed syllable

vowel suffix -ance – /Әnce/ – turns adjectives into nouns;

vowel suffix -ence – /Әnce/ – turns adjectives into nouns;

vowel suffix able, /ŭbӘl/, turns verbs into adjectives;

vowel suffix ible, /ŭbӘl/, turns verbs into adjectives;

vowel suffix age – /Əge/ – forms nouns.


  1. What type of syllable? Place a checkmark in the correct column.
    Syllable Closed Open VCe R-Controlled Vowel Team Cle
  2. Complete the following chart. Write your answers in the spaces below each given word.
    Add the suffix for ‘in the past’ value propel confer bar crane
    Add the suffix for ‘one who’ dodge outfit dive win jive
  3. Add the following suffixes to these base words. Which spelling is used (the ‘1+1+1’, or the ‘drop the e’)?
    1. ‘ed’ to charge? _______________________
    2. ‘ing’ to begin? _______________________
  4. ch or tch?
    sti_____ pa_____work
    per_____ed scor_____ing
  5. c, k, or ck?
    mee_____ dis_____rete
    s_____illset _____omprehended
  6. ge or dge?
    le_____ pu_____ plun___
    flan_____ mer____­


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