
56. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
Latin root ‘ject’ – to throw
Latin root ‘struct’ – to build
Latin root ‘tract’ – to pull
  1. Lorne couldn’t hide his attraction to Sandy from the first time he laid eyes on her.
  2. The instructions for operating this equipment may as well be in Chinese.
  3. Many writers face rejection of their manuscripts over and over, but they keep trying other publishers until the manuscript is accepted.
  4. It is hard to pay attention to homework with all the distractions from the children.
List 2
musi_____ phob_____
traff_____ fantast_____
drast_____ gastr_____
plast_____ eccentr_____
  1. Many of the artifacts from the Titanic have sold for millions.
  2. What did you do to the fabric after it was infested by beetles?
  3. She said that gardening made her feel like she is connected to the entire cosmic world.
  4. Martin was absolutely frantic that he couldn’t find his cell phone.
List 3
Add ‘ct’ to these words.
infe______ dedu_____
infe_____ing evi_____
infe_____ed inta_____
abstra_____ inse_____
abstra_____s prote_____ed
  1. The impact from the crash made a huge dent in the driver’s side of the car.
  2. Yuck! We had to dissect a frog and some mice in class today.
  3. The film Judy watched had a huge effect on her and reduced her to tears.
  4. A faint smell of paint lingered and was detected on entering the office.
List 4
Add ‘ture’ to these words.
frac_____ cap_____
lec_____ den_____
  1. Will you take a chance on getting a self-driving car in the future?
  2. Abe got a picture of Jenny’s face as she entered her surprise party and taped it up on the wall.
  3. Have you noticed how a baby’s face seems filled with adventure when they take their first steps?
  4. It’s pure torture when you’re waiting for the marks on projects and tests.

Review Words

tangled crumble
decreased explains
culture gritty
gained superbly
extinct concealed
tincture undetected
compact pasture
injects rainy
inflicted fretted
drastic furniture

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Spelling Patterns

The ‘ct’ ending in words indicates the Latin layer in the English language.

The ‘ic’ ending in words indicates the Latin layer in the English language. It iis used at the end of words with more than one syllable.

Latin Roots

Latin root ject – /jĕkt/ – means to throw

Latin root struct – /strŭkt/ – means to build

Latin root tract – /trăkt/ – means to pull


  1. Circle the Latin root in these words
    projected distracted
    instructing rejects
    retracts construction
    dejection subtracting
    deconstructed rejecting
    contraction reconstructed
    subjects obstruction
  2. Add the suffix for ‘happening now’ to these words.
    rupture__________ replace__________
    trudge__________ capture__________
  3. Add the suffix for ‘in the past’ to these words.
    picture__________ deface__________
    engage__________ lecture__________


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Reading Essentials 2 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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