
61. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
Add the prefix inter to these words
_____cede _____lace
_____change _____mix
Add the prefix trans to these words
_____scribe _____pose
_____verse _____action
  1. If you do not remember the code for the intercom in the complex Dale lives in, you will not be able to gain access to her apartment.
  2. Lucy was transfixed as she peeped through the hole in the wall and saw the witch mixing potions and performing all sorts of spells.
  3. We may think it is an intrusion, but the CSIS can intercept phone calls if they feel that there is a risk to public safety.
  4. The extra space to the back of our home has made quite a transformation to the entire place.
List 2
Add the Latin root ‘port’ to these words
_____able re_____ed
pass_____ trans_____
Add the Latin root ‘rupt’ to these words
dis_____ive e_____tion
Add the Latin root ‘mit’ to these words
com____ment e____ted
  1. It was hard for first responders to react quickly to the growing emergency as the tornado had tumbled through the center of the valley and disrupted transportation in all directions.
  2. At times, they had problems communicating because cell phone service would come and go intermittently.
  3. The main office of the electric company was trying to transmit complaints regarding service to their workers, but cell transmissions were hard for them as well.
List 3
Add the suffix ‘less’ to these words
worth_____ age_____
form_____ shame_____
Add the suffix ‘ful’ to these words
pain_____ fate_____
use_____ woke_____
Add the suffix ‘ment’ to these words
agree_____ pay_____
amaze_____ attach_____
  1. Lucy thinks it is tasteless but the painting hanging over the fireplace was done by a Dutch artist and it is extremely priceless.
  2. There are endless numbers of people who are homeless because of wars that are raging worldwide.
  3. The carpenters worked tirelessly through the day to complete the first section of the mansion.
  4. Alanna is one of the most adept and graceful dancers that I have seen performing this kind of music.
  5. She is not bashful at all with her many twirls, dips, jumps and kicks and she displays mastery in all of her dance expression.
  6. Johanna enrolled in the NSCC Welding Program in the hopes that on completion it will better her chances to obtain a job.
  7. The process began today and started with an assessment of her comprehension skills.
  8. She hopes this will be a good investment because as a single mother she needs to provide for her children as well as gain advancement in her work.

Review Words

transportation intersession
uninterrupted unsuccessful
bafflement feckless

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Prefix inter says /ĭnter/; means between
Prefix trans, /trăns/ means across

Latin root rupt says /rŭpt/ and means ‘to break’
Latin root port says /port/ and means ‘to carry’
Latin root ‘miss/mit’ /mĭs/ /mĭt/ and means ‘to send’

Suffix less says /lěs/ and means without; adjective
Suffix ful says /fƏl/ means full of or being
Suffix ment says /mĭnt/ means state of and makes words into nouns


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