
62. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
glow bowling
crowns bow
frowny bow
shower slower
shower endow
mow avow
crow prowl
drowned clowns
chowder mellow
  1. The minnows swam in the shallow creek avoiding the fishing lines of the town people.
  2. They’ll not allow you to park downtown at this time of day.
  3. How now brown cow!
  4. The slow crow will fly below the hollow stump to pick up the marshmallow where it had been thrown down.
List 2
jaw awning
lawless lawn
thawing awfully
straws gawk
fawn prawn
awkward guffaw
  1. The show was so slow they yawned and yawned.
  2. She was ashamed of the tawdry awning that hung over her lawyer’s office entrance.
  3. The Mohawk is a nation of huge pride.
List 3
crew shrewd
newt screw
drew askew
newborn mildew
flew pewter
withdrew curfew
  1. The wild crew of the sailing vessel had thrown all the gear over the deck and it was strewn everywhere.
  2. Andrew was a shrewd lawyer and so was in demand by all the bad thugs in town.
  3. The Dewdrop Inn had the best coleslaw and baked brown beans in the entire downtown core.

Review Words

jowl accented
rowdy seesaw
curfew embroidered
trawling devoid
rejoicing jigsaw
newts dappled
vainly scrawled
meaninglessly beans
correctively constructively
chubby phosphates

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




ow – snow – /ō/

ow – plow – /ou/

aw – paw – /ŏ/

ew – few new – /ū/

ew – chews /oo/


  1. What type of syllable? Place a checkmark in the correct column.
    Syllable Open Closed VCe R-Controlled Vowel Team Cle
  2. Add the suffix for each of these words.
    slam+ing endear+ment pickle+ing force ful+ly trump+ed
    drip+y encase+ed bereave+ment retail+er construct+tion


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