
64. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
clouded countless
scouts surrounded
mound flouncing
louse denounced
house ploundy
clout frounder
rebound gloundle
pouch squounder
rounding disbround
discount introundle
couches relound
ounces declound
  1. You’d better not park in that space or more than likely, your car will get impounded.
  2. The eagle gained momentum as she found her way back to her chicks in the nest at the top of the bluff.
  3. I like the crunch of alfalfa sprouts in cold dishes, but I prefer bean sprouts when I’m making a stir fry.
  4. The mouse scampered under the couch, but it didn’t take the cat long to find it and bounce it around until she got tired of playing.
List 2
saucy daub
fraud pause
haul flaunted
taunt taut
fault audit
  1. What is the place where she does her laundry called?
  2. She likes to put hamburger meat in her tomato sauce.
  3. The back end of a cat is its haunch and can launch the cat up when it jumps.
List 3
sleuth eulogy
therapeutic feudal
  1. Eureka! I won ten million on the lottery.
  2. Don’t forget to get all your pets spayed or neutered.

Review Words

saucer studded
activation lawful
flout sleuthing
tangent pit
scowling pitted
disinfecting smelt
cloudy smelts
grumble feuding
grumbling applause
augment blouse
augmentation pausing
flinchingly exploit
parched neutered
fewer shouted
stud botched

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




  • ou – ouch – /ou/
  • au – August – /ŏ/
  • eu – feud – /ū/
  • eu – deuce – /oo/


  1. Scoop the syllables. Mark above the type of syllable (VCCV, VCCCV, V/CV, VC/V). Mark vowel teams with one V.
    steeple cabin
    underdog mayday
    complain ample
    soya refrain
  2. Is it ‘ai’ or ‘ay’?
    st____n for____
    m____nt____n port____
  3. Is it ‘oi’ or ‘oy’?
    sirl____n depl____
    carb____ m____st
  4. Place a checkmark in the column with the ‘ey’ sound you hear in these words.
    Word ā ē
  5. Underline the prefix.
    precede unsettled
    readjust dismantle
    detained intervene
    translation present



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