
66. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
dr__________back fl__________
colesl__________ sp__________n
__________ful l__________nch
c__________ unl__________ful
s__________dust dr__________in
t__________ny f__________lt
  1. After the trip from Surrey to Dawson Creek, Paul was exhausted and promptly fell asleep.
  2. The next morning, he woke up, yawned, and looked through all of the rooms in the house he was renting.
  3. As he passed a window, he saw a fawn on the lawn in his backyard.
List 2
pl__________ v__________ed
cr__________ch sp__________ting
r__________ pr__________der
m__________nd end__________
n__________ gr__________se
h__________ del__________se
  1. She could see by the gigantic pout on his face that the row that they had started in the morning was still going strong.
  2. At the make-up dinner at the diner she ordered the Chinese chow dish based on the sample found on the countertop.
  3. How did she like the dinner? Well, she found the chow dish was too peppery but the portion sizes were perfect.
  4. With this lovely meal, they rekindled their love and now they feel even more profoundly about their relationship.
List 3
c__________ch sc__________l
fr__________n gr__________nd
f__________nd d__________ny
all__________ com__________nd
t__________n pr__________ling
s__________th surr__________nd
tr__________t c__________l
  1. Let’s go to the mall downtown instead of the big box stores out at Bayer’s Lake Road.
  2. That Saint Bernard in the pet store window is gigantic, but even with the spit dripping from his huge jowls he still looks cute.
  3. I’m glad you didn’t pick the pink gown with ruffles for the bridesmaids’ dresses or you surely would have had a bunch of grumpy, growly women to deal with.

Review Words

hacksaw cause
puzzle causing
transferring confuse
seemingly confusing
clowning confusion
around straws
preferred brewing
bandage sound
bandaged asleep
gauze glow
unhappy glowing
improper neutered
intervene repeatedly
downward discovering
spiral purpose

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




ou-ow Spelling Pattern Generalization

Spell /ou/ with ou in the middle of words. Spell /ou/ with ow at the end of words or when the word ends in /n/ or /l/ (brown owl). Exception – foul. Note: There are no words in the English language that end with the letter u.

au-aw Spelling Pattern Generalization

Spell /ŏ/ with aw at the end of words or when the word ends in /n/ or /l/ (The traffic had drawn to a crawl). Exception haul. Note: There are no words in the English language that end with the letter u.


  1. Add the suffix to each of these words.
    complete+ed spit+ing exchange+ed ban+er fuss+ed
    serve+er charge+ing derange+ed merge+er absolve+ing
    torment+ing singe+ed place+ed mince+er dim+est
  2. Is it c, k, or ck?
    che_____ mas_____
    bas_____et stu_____
    _____iss _____apital
    tri_____et ba_____up
    _____entral _____reek
  3. It it ‘ch’ or ‘tch’?
    pa_____ stre_____
    mar_____ ha_____et
    lun_____box laun_____
    rea_____ sti_____
    ba_____ bran_____
  4. Is it ‘oi’ or ‘oy’?
    b_____ling b_____hood
    tomb_____ sp_____led
  5. Is it ‘ai’ or ‘ay’?
    ch_____ned str_____ed
    displ_____ed str_____ned


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