
72. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
abyss acrylic
cynic gypsy
  1. While in Egypt we made sure to visit the museum.
  2. The writing on the sarcophagus of the mummy was cryptic.
  3. You would need to understand the cyphering of people in Egypt from eons ago.
List 2
Add the Greek combining form ‘bio’ to these words.
__________active __________chip
Add the Greek combining form ‘graph’ to these words
__________ic di__________
List 3
Add the Greek combining form ‘geo’ to these words.
__________active __________chip
Add the Greek combining form ‘(o)logy’ to these words.
cosmo__________ crypto__________
  1. People no longer use phonographs, because music has all gone digital.
  2. You need to have bio-degradable bags to put your food recycling in.
  3. Global geography is one of the subjects available in the ALP Program.
  4. Cosmology is defined as the study of the entire universe

Review Words

autograph piston
animation systematic
geophysicist chaos
admiral cameo
motionless virtual
nocturnal reality
cylinder analyze
biotechnology cabin

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




y – gym – /ī/

Greek combining forms

bio – means life

graph/gram – written or drawn

geo – means earth

(o)logy – study of

These show the Greek influence on the English language. Words of Greek origin are found mainly in Science and Mathematics.


  1. Underline the Greek combining form in each word. Match each word to a sentence.
    geologist autographs antibiotics cardiology diagram
    1. ___________________________ is the study of the heart and diseases that may affect it.
    2. We’ll need to look at the _________________________ at the front of the mall to locate that store.
    3. My brother is always studying rocks and hopes to be a __________________________ when he grows up.
    4. What kind of ________________________ did the doctor prescribe?
    5. Did you get any of the actors’ ___________________ when you visited the Atlantic Film Festival opening night?
  2. Circle the schwa suffix/common word ending in these words.
    Canadian reliance
    commonly intelligent
    package decipherable
    crickets bottoms
    resilience incorruptible
  3. Which sound is it? Place a checkmark in the column.
    Word ā ē ĕ
  4. Add the suffix to these words.
    stumble+ed hum+ing crib+age sever+ance time+ly
    need+less resolute+tion remember+ed notice+able sun+y



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