
78. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
blizz_____d begg_____
must_____d stand_____d
  1. Did you ever hear of the expression, “the nectar of the gods”?
  2. Don’t you just love the lessons we get in grammar?! Not!!!
  3. I think it will look better if you move the couch forward about three inches.
  4. Due to global warming, the polar ice caps are shrinking more and more every year.
List 2
terror sector
tractor contractor
  1. There are some students who are mentors to other students, especially to students who are new.
  2. A proctor is a person who oversees the people in the room while they are taking a test.
  3. Thank you Jess I appreciate your candor and am glad that you are comfortable about being truthful with me.

Review Words

tremendous conductor
political geological
impetuous cellar
custard mucus
bicycle congratulate
quarterly investor
compressor congratulations
responsible hangar
respectable nature
standardization natural
factual solar
collector error

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




ar says /er/ in a final unaccented syllable.

or says /er/ in a final unaccented syllable.


  1. Circle the suffix(es). Circle the prefix.
    Example of how to scoop and identify vowels and consonants

    Place a V above the vowels.
    Place a C above the consonants.
    Scoop the syllables.
    What syllable division type do you see?

solar lambing
idiotic chaos
meander scientifically
portfolio ghostly
physical column
  1. Check a dictionary to find the meaning of these words and what part of speech they are.
    Word Meaning Noun, Verb, Adjective or Adverb
  2. Choose ‘us or ‘ous’ to complete these words.
  3. Add the suffix given to each word.
    pore + ous
    relieve + ing
    compare + able
    shaky + ly
    rely + able
    remit + ance
    sole + ly
    chew + y
    scurry + ed
    revise + sion
  4. Underline the ‘ar or ‘or’ with the /er/ sound in the following sentences. Circle the words that have vowel teams.
    1. The jugular vein, located in the neck drains blood from the brain, face, and neck.
    2. What color did your niece say she wanted the bathroom painted?
    3. Was it the creamy blue or the lunar yellow?
    4. I will need to put in an insurance claim for the shoes that the orthopedic doctor deems necessary for me to have.
    5. What extracurricular activities do you participate in after school?



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