
79. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
__________copy __________engrave
__________gram sym__________
  1. Did you ever think that the phone you can’t live without today actually came from the ancient Greek word ‘phono’ that means sound?
  2. Ashley takes selfies constantly and always looks fantastic because she’s very photogenic.
  3. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that takes place inside a plant, producing food for the plant to survive.
List 2
__________scope geo__________ic
__________pathy iso__________ic
  1. A telephoto lens allows you to capture a subject that is far away or to magnify the subject in your frame.
  2. Telegrams are no longer used to send messages across distances because all we need to do these days is send texts through our phones.
  3. Canada used to use the imperial measurement system as they do in the United States, but in the 70’s, we switched to using the metric system of measurement.
  4. There are only three countries located on three different continents in the world that still use the imperial system instead of the metric system.
  5. The countries still using this form of measurement are Liberia in Africa, Myanmar in Southeast Asia, and the United States in North America.

Review Words

furious acceptable
situation symmetrical
irresponsible stupor
photokinesis treated
telescopic proudest
outstanding flowering
symptoms stupendous
passages soothing
phoneme unbreakable
cheddar treads
tackling surreptitiously
telecommunication brainy

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




phon/phon(o) is a Greek combining form that means ‘sound’

photo is a Greek combining form that means ‘light’

tele is a Greek combining form that means ‘distance’

meter/metr is a Greek combining form that means ‘measure’


  1. Match the Greek Combining forms to their definition.
    _____meter/metr a. study of
    _____geo b. life
    _____tele c. writing or drawing
    _____bio d. measure
    _____(o)logy e. sound
    _____photo f. earth
    _____phono g. light
    _____graph/gram h. distant
  2. Match the Latin roots to their definition.
    _____ject a. to built
    _____mis/mit b. to throw
    _____port c. to pull
    _____rupt d. to send
    _____struct e. to carry
    _____tract f. to break or burst
  3. Add the suffixes to these words.
    pore + ous
    magnify + ing
    unstop + able
    accept + ance
    occur + ence
  4. Is it an adjective a noun or a verb? Place a checkmark in one of the columns.
    Word Adjective Noun Verb


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