11 Federal Fall Hazard Zone Systems


  1. A fall hazard zone must be at least 2 m wide and extend the entire length of the unguarded edge.
  2. A fall hazard zone must only be established on a surface that has a slope of five degrees or less.
  3. If a person needs to carry out an activity in a fall hazard zone or cross a fall hazard zone to get to or from a work area,
    1. the employer must ensure the presence of a fall hazard zone monitor whose exclusive duties are to
      1. supervise the fall hazard zone whenever an activity is being carried out there, and
      2.  ensure that the requirements of the fall-protection plan are respected;
    2. the employer must install, along the border between the fall hazard zone and any other work area, a raised demarcation line at a height of not less than 900 mm but not more than 1 100 mm; and
    3. the employer must ensure that a personal fall-protection system is used.
  4. If a fall hazard zone system has been established in a work place, the employer must ensure that every person who is granted access to the work place is informed of the fall hazard zone system’s existence and is familiar with the procedures to be followed for accessing, performing work in and leaving the fall hazard zone.

  1. Government of Canada (2022). Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86-304https://laws- lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sOr-86-304/index.html


NSCC Certified Fall Protection for NS and Federal Workplaces Copyright © 2023 by Nova Scotia Community College. All Rights Reserved.

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