
Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats

AIM: This model course aims to provide the training for candidates to launch and take charge of a fast rescue boat, in accordance with Section A-V112 of the STCW Code.

Objective: This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter VI, Section AV112, Table A-V12-2. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in fast rescue boats, a trainee will be competent to handle and take charge such boats during or after launch in adverse weather and sea conditions. They will also be able to operate a fast rescue boat engine.

Trainees will know the correct use of all locating devices, including communication and signaling equipment between the rescue boat and a helicopter and the ship; and how to carry out search patterns.

Entry Standards: For admission to the course seafarers must be medically fit and the holder of a certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats in accordance with Regulation V112, paragraph 1 of STCW 1995.

Course limitations: The maximum number of Trainees is 5 per course which will allow sufficient opportunity for each trainee to have adequate practical instruction in procedures for the proper use of systems and equipment.

Teaching Aids

  • Instructor Manual/ Student manual
  • Practical demonstrations and exercises
  • Models/ Props
  • Reference Material- IAMSAR, SOLAS, Transport Canada
  • Videos-Cold Facts More- Cold Facts Royal National Lifeboat Institute


Fast Rescue Craft Training Student Manual Copyright © 2023 by Nova Scotia Community College. All Rights Reserved.