
Achieving Your Financial Goals


Chapter 7 “Financial Management” focuses on financing consumption using current earnings and/or credit, and financing longer-term assets with debt.

Chapter 8 “Consumer Strategies” discusses purchasing decisions, starting with recurring consumption, and then goes into detail on the purchase of a car, a more significant and longer-term purchase both in terms of its use and financing.

Chapter 9 “Buying a Home” applies the ideas developed in the previous chapter to what, for most people, will be the major purchase: a home. The chapter discusses its role both as a living expense and an investment, as well as the financing and financial consequences of the purchase.


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Financial Empowerment Copyright © 2018 by Bettina Schneider and Saylor Academy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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