
80 Multiple Choice


  1. Women are ________ likely than men to visit a doctor because they are anxious.
    a. more
    b. less
    c. no more or less likely
    d. there is no data on this issue
  2. Stimulants are most likely to be prescribed to a person suffering from:
    a. ADHD
    b. anxiety disorders
    c. bipolar discorders
    d. Munchausen syndrome
  3. Natural improvement is a threat to the ________ of outcome research.
    a. reliability
    b. validity
    c. stability
    d. ingenuity
  4. Exposure therapy makes use of which conditioning principle?
    a. negative reinforcement
    b. negative punishment
    c. both a and b
    d. extinction
  5. In the context of psychological treatment, what does CBT stand for?
    a. client based therapy
    b. complex brain therapy
    c. cognitive behavioural therapy
    d. compassion based therapy
  6. Psychiatric service dogs have been trained to help people suffering from:
    a. bipolar disorder
    b. panic attacks
    c. anxiety disorder
    d. all of the above
  7. Giving alcoholics “Antabuse” to make them feel nauseous if they drink alcohol is an example of:
    a. aversion therapy
    b. exposure therapy
    c. ECT
    d. AAT
  8. In the context of treatment for psychological disorders, TMS is a type of:
    a. hormone
    b. neurotransmitter
    c. brain stimulation
    d. antipsychotic medication
  9. Concern about nonspecific treatment effects in evaluation research reflects the possibility that:
    a. patients will improve in a way that cannot be measured
    b. some patients will improve while others will not
    c. no treatment will work
    d. receiving any kind of treatment will be beneficial
  10. Primary prevention strategies target ________ while secondary prevention strategies target ________.
    a. children, adults
    b. seriously disturbed people, mildly disturbed people
    c. everyone, selected individuals
    d. adults, children
  11. Risk factors for psychological disorders may be:
    a. social
    b. economic
    c. environmental
    d. all of the above
  12. The biomedical approach to treating psychological disorders emphasizes:
    a. family and cognitive therapy
    b. medication and brain intervention
    c. psychoanalytic intervention
    d. CBT and projective testing
  13. The main aim of psychodynamic therapy is to explore the patient’s:
    a. friendships
    b. unconscious
    c. work relationships
    d. neuronal health
  14. One of the founders of humanistic therapy was:
    a. Carl Rogers
    b. Sigmund Freud
    c. Karl Lashley
    d. Edward Thorndike
  15. Both flooding and systematic desensitization are types of:
    a. systemic therapy
    b. psychodynamic therapy
    c. behavioural therapy
    d. biomedical therapy
  16. MAO inhibitors, tricyclics and SSRIs are all used to treat:
    a. ADHD
    b. psychosis
    c. bipolar disorder
    d. depression
  17. Eclectic therapy may include:
    a. medication
    b. CBT
    c. psychotherapy
    d. all of the above
  18. An anti-psychotic drug would be most likely to be prescribed for a person suffering from:
    a. anxiety
    b. schizophrenia
    c. ADHD
    d. all of the above
  19. Improvement that occurs simply because a patient expects to feel better rather than because of the actual treatment is called:
    a. a treatment effect
    b. a placebo effect
    c. an illusory correlation
    d. a Barnum effect
  20. A fetus is most vulnerable to damage from drugs used to treat the mother’s
    mental illness during:
    a. the first trimester
    b. the second trimester
    c. the final trimester
    d. there is no risk to the fetus from these drugs
  21. Meta-analysis involves:
    a. using descriptive rather than inferential statistics
    b. using results from the study with the largest number of participants
    c. combining results from different studies
    d. replicating a study until you achieve the same results
  22. Antipsychotic medications appear to influence both ________ and ________.
    a. estrogen, testosterone
    b. dopamine, serotonin
    c. serotonin, GABA
    d. adrenalin, GABA
  23. Ativan, Valium and Xanax are types of ________ medication.
    a. anti-psychotic
    b. anti-convulsive
    c. anti-anxiety
    d. anti-depressant
  24. You are most likely to encounter the principles of operant conditioning in:
    a. CBT
    b. humanistic therapy
    c. psychodynamic therapy
    d. dream analysis
  25. Drug therapies are based on the assumption that psychological disorders are associated with:
    a. brain injury
    b. disordered thinking
    c. chemical imbalance
    d. unconscious conflicts
  26. SSRIs work by blocking the reuptake of:
    a. imipramine
    b. glucose
    c. reactine
    d. serotonin
  27. A criticism of drug therapies is that:
    a. they provide no relief for the majority of people
    b. they have been shown to be helpful for people suffering from ADHD, but there is no evidence they help people suffering from depression
    c. they provide temporary relief, but do not treat the underlying cause of the disorder
    d. they take much longer to help people than psychodynamic therapy
  28. The difference between group therapy and a self-help group is:
    a. group therapy involves a therapist, but a self-help group does not
    b. group therapy is for more than one person, but a self-help group is just for an individual
    c. group therapy is a short-term fix, while a self-help group provides long term benefits
    d. group therapy is usually online, while a self-help group is never online
  29. ECT is most commonly used to treat:
    a. anxiety
    b. depression
    c. addiction
    d. schizophrenia
  30. Prefrontal lobotomy and cingulotomy are types of:
    a. drug intervention
    b. psychotherapy
    c. psychosurgery
    d. community intervention


  1. a
  2. a
  3. b
  4. d
  5. c
  6. d
  7. a
  8. c
  9. d
  10. c
  11. d
  12. b
  13. b
  14. a
  15. c
  16. d
  17. d
  18. b
  19. b
  20. a
  21. c
  22. b
  23. c
  24. a
  25. c
  26. d
  27. c
  28. a
  29. b
  30. c


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