H5P activities list

This book includes 509 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
141How We See: Q15-Q19Question Set
142How We See Q20Advanced fill the blanks
143How We See (flashcards)Dialog Cards
144Color and Depth Perception: Q1-Q7Question Set
145Color and Depth Perception (flashcards)Dialog Cards
146How We Hear: Q1-Q2Question Set
147How We Hear Q3Advanced fill the blanks
148How We Hear: Q4-Q7Question Set
149How We Hear (flashcards)Dialog Cards
150Pitch Perception and Hearing Loss: Q1-Q9Question Set
151Pitch Perception and Hearing Loss: Q10-Q13Question Set
152Pitch Perception and Hearing Loss (flashcards)Dialog Cards
153Taste and Smell: Q1-Q3Question Set
154Taste and Smell (flashcards)Dialog Cards
155Touch and Pain: Q1-Q3Question Set
156Touch and Pain: Q4-Q5Question Set
157Touch and Pain (flashcards)Dialog Cards
158The Vestibular Sense: Q1Multiple Choice
159The Vestibular Sense (flashcards)Dialog Cards
160Gestalt Principles of Perception: Q1-Q4Question Set
1 6 7 8 9 10 26