Appendix D NSCC-Use of Biological Safety Cabinet
Start-up procedure
- Turn off UV light if in use and be sure that the sash is in the appropriate.
- Turn on fluorescent light and the cabinet blower, if off.
- Check the air intake and exhaust grills for obstructions.
- If the cabinet is equipped with an alarm, test the alarm and switch it to the “on” position.
- Confirm the inward air flow by holding a Kim-wipe tissue at the middle of the edge of the viewing panel and ensure it is drawn inward.
- Disinfect the interior surface with 10% bleach, let dry and repeat with 70% ethanol.
- Assemble all materials required for the procedure and load them into the cabinet. Do not obstruct the air grilles; the working surface may be lined with absorbent paper with a plastic backing: segregate “clean” items from “contaminated“ items.
- Wait 5 minutes to purge airborne contaminants from the work area.
Working in Cabinet
- Don protective gown and gloves as appropriate.
- Perform operations as far the rear of the cabinet as possible.
- Avoid excessive movement of hands and arms through the front access opening during use; when you do enter or exit the cabinet, do so from straight on; allow the cabinet to stabilize before resuming work.
- Keep discarded contaminated material to the rear of the cabinet; do not discard material in containers outside of the cabinet.
- Do not work with pen flames inside the cabinet.
- If there is a spill during use, surface decontaminate all objects in the cabinet; disinfect the entire working area of the cabinet while it is still in operation (do not turn off cabinet fan).
Completion of Work
- Allow cabinet to run 5 minutes with no activity.
- Close or cover open container before removal.
- Surface disinfect objects in contact with contaminated material before removal.
- Remove contaminated gloves and dispose of them as appropriate; wash hands.
- Don clean gloves and ensure all materials are placed into a biohazard bag within the cabinet.
- Using 10% bleach decontaminate the working surface, the area underneath it and the surface of the UV light and let dry.
- Repeat step 6 with 70% ethanol.
- Turn off fluorescent light and cabinet fan when appropriate.
- Turn on the UV light if appropriate (do not turn on if people are working close by); UV must be tested to ensure it us emitting a germicidal wavelength (as your cabinet certifier).