

Best practice at the clinical sites is to set up all clinical specimens in a biological safety cabinet (BSC). Many specimens used in the NSCC microbiology lab are simulated and do not carry the same risks as some unknown patient samples. We will therefore prepare and inoculate real clinical specimens in the BSC, but most other samples/cultures can be processed at the bench. Standardized organism suspensions may also be prepared in the BSC to minimize inhalation risk if a spill should occur. Some risk still remains. Students will be working with pathogenic material and therefore must be familiar with the safety precautions discussed earlier (and below) while in this laboratory.

  • There will be no access to the lab unless an instructor is present.
  • General laboratory hygiene rules are strictly enforced. Tie back hair, cover cuts with a bandage, and do not chew gum or candies. Do not bring food, cosmetics or beverages into the lab.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after removing gloves and at the end of the lab.
  • Shoes must completely enclose the foot and be made of a material that is not permeable (e.g. cloth and canvas are unacceptable). They must have low, or no, heels.
  • Disinfect the bench after the lab session.
  • Follow the proper spill clean-up procedure if a spill of biohazardous material occurs.
  • Keep the working space uncluttered and maintain a clean area that is separate from where contaminated materials are handled. Do not contaminate clean items such as textbooks, worksheets, etc. When you need uncontaminated materials (e.g. textbook), be very careful to protect them by handling them in a clean work area with clean hands or gloves.
  • Do not take anything out of the lab – this includes books, pens, rulers, markers and other lab tools, they stay in the basket at the workspace.
  • Incident forms must be filled out when appropriate.  See instructor.
  • You have already been deemed to be competent at Safety and Professionalism, so these are expected behaviors in lab. Taking an active role in your own education and the education of fellow classmates is encouraged.
Note: Neatness and tidiness are essential for preventing accidents and performing good quality work.



Clinical Microbiology III Laboratory Manual Copyright © 2022 by NSCC. All Rights Reserved.

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