
Q.C. Tech Duties

There will be 2-3 people assigned to do QC tasks for the week. See the posted schedule for your assigned week and be sure to sign off that you completed the designated tasks.

Failure to complete the tasks or to sign off that they are completed will result in a loss of marks on the final lab assessment.


Day 1

  1. Ensure the daily supply of bleach (0.525% hypochlorite) has been made. Label appropriately (including date made). Reminder, this is only good for 24 hours and needs to be made fresh at the beginning of the day/labs.
  2. Record incubator & refrigerator temperatures, humidity and CO2 levels on QA sheets daily. Notify an instructor if any of the readings are unacceptable. Fill the deionized water pans/containers if water levels in the incubators are low.
  3. Perform QC checks on media or biochemical tests as instructed.
  4. Check that the Gram Stain Station(s) solutions are full and the areas are clean (wipe off the racks).
  5. Announce to the class 10 minutes before the lab ends that it is time to start cleaning up.
  6. Check that the lab has been left clean (benches disinfected), everything is put away, microscope lights are off and unplugged, no oil on microscope lenses or stages, micro incinerator is turned off and unplugged,  unused media put away (unless asked to leave it out), and inoculated media put in incubators, check that that the hotplates are turned off/unplugged.

Days 2 and 3

  1. Make sure the daily supply of bleach (0.525% hypochlorite) has been made. Label appropriately (including date made). Reminder, this is only good for 24 hours and needs to be made fresh at the beginning of the day/labs.
  2. Record incubator & fridge temperatures, humidity and CO2 levels on QA sheets. Notify an instructor if any of the readings are unacceptable. Fill the deionized water pans/containers if water levels in the incubators are low.
  3. Perform QC checks on media or biochemical tests as instructed. Read and record results of any QC tests set up on Days 1 & 2 under the following headings: “Media” or Name of Test, “Positive Control Result”, “Negative Control Result” and “Comments”.
  4. Check that the Gram Stain Station(s) solutions are full and the areas are clean (wipe off the racks).
  5. Announce to the class 10 minutes before the lab ends that it is time to start cleaning up.
  6. Check that the lab has been left clean (benches disinfected), everything is put away, microscope lights are off and unplugged, no oil on microscope lenses or stages, micro-incinerator is turned off, unused media put away (unless asked to leave it out), and inoculated media put in incubators.
  7. Clean/flush/check the eye wash on Day 2. Document that maintenance has been completed on the log sheet.
  8. Flush the safety shower on Day 2. Document on the log sheet.

Possible Quality Control Tasks

  • Sub Stock Cultures weekly if asked:
    • Gram positive and negative:
      • Sub to nutrient agar or TSA  – label with organism name, date, and ATCC #.
      • Incubate O24hrs.
      • Check plates after Incubate again if necessary.
      • Refrigerate
    • Fastidious:                                  –
      • Sub to chocolate agar or TSA with blood agar slant as instructed – label with the organism name, date, and ATCC #.
      • Incubate CO2
      •  Refrigerate
  • Plate Q.C.
    • Set up or read sterility plates and record results
    • Set up or read QC growth checks and record
    • Re-incubate as needed/directed
  • Tube Q.C.
    • Set up or read sterility tubes and record results
    • Set up or read  QC growth checks, biochemicals and record results
    • Re-incubate as needed/directed
  • Test QC
    • Set up positive and negative QC organisms for tests according to standard procedures. Record results under the following headings: “Media” or Name of Test, “Positive Control Result”, “Negative Control Result” and “Comments”.
  • Antimicrobial Susceptibility QC
    • Set up QC organisms on appropriate media as described in the CLSI Standards. Incubate according to the CLSI Standards.
    • Read, record and interpret QC results


Clinical Microbiology III Laboratory Manual Copyright © 2022 by NSCC. All Rights Reserved.

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