
14 Labelling Requirements for Grain and Bakery Products

The Canadian Food and Inspection Agency (CFIA) oversees the labelling of grain and bakery products. Included in this governmental policy are specialty breads, flour, breakfast cereal, and bakery products with common names. A common name what a product is generally known as if it is not defined by regulations (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 2014). For example, the common name shortbread, in connection with biscuits and cookies, can stand on its own, as it should be recognized as a type of biscuit. It has been used in association with biscuits and cookies for many years and has a distinct identity of its own.

Table 8 is an extracted list of bakery products that fall under the same labelling requirement.

Table 8: Labelling requirements for certain bakery products
Type of Bread Specialty Ingredient Minimum amount of Specialty Ingredient as % of Flour
Graham bread Graham flour 150
Milk bread Milk solids 6 [B.13.022, (d), FDR]
Potato bread Potato flour 5
Honey bread Honey 5
Cheese bread Cheese 12
Oatmeal bread Oats 20
Cracked wheat bread Cracked wheat 20
Wheat germ bread (bread with wheat germ) Wheat germ 2
Egg bread Whole egg solids 1.5
Fruit bread or loaf Fruit 40
Triticale bread Triticale flour 20
Rye bread Rye flour 20
Raisin bread Seedless raisins 50 [B.13.025, FDR]
Raisin bread OR
A mixture of raisins
and currants
35 plus
15 (maximum)
Bran bread > 2 g dietary fibre from wheat bran per serving > 2 g dietary fibre from wheat bran per serving
Protein bread Must have a protein rating of 20 or more Must have a protein rating of 20 or more

Baked products, when sold on premises, are exempt from labelling. Voluntary labelling should be available on a customer’s demand. More information on the exemption of labelling on baked products can be found in the Bakers Journal article “Reading Labels” and in Health Canada’s information about new labelling regulations.

The following food preparations and mixtures are exempted from listing when used as ingredients in other foods:

  • Food colour preparations
  • Flavouring preparations
  • Artificial flavouring preparations
  • Spice mixtures
  • Seasoning or herb mixtures
  • Vitamin preparations
  • Mineral preparations
  • Food additive preparations
  • Rennet preparations
  • Food flavour-enhancer preparations
  • Compressed, dry, active, or instant yeast preparations

Additional information can be found on the CFIA food allergies and food labelling web page and in the List of Ingredients and Allergens.


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Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker Copyright © 2015 by go2HR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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