6.1 Commercial Kitchen Equipment


Architects have a consultant team when designing a commercial kitchen consisting of equipment suppliers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, structural engineers, and Chefs which give instructional information on equipment locations for an efficient, safe working atmosphere.

Commercial kitchen applications are found in restaurants, fast food outlets, schools, hospitals, hotels, penal institutions, and the hospitality industry in general. Efficient design is essential of a commercial kitchen, as strict guide lines will be determined by the National Building Code of Canada and must be upheld for a safe and healthy facility.

The equipment supplier’s main function is to inform the architect of equipment dimensions and services required of the equipment specified for that project (referred to as shop drawings or manufactures drawings). They also provide a set of working drawings or blueprints of the proposed area, in a scaled version complete with equipment locations to confirm equipment will fit in the dimensions of the area provided.


Information on the equipment specified for the project will be found in manufacturers shop drawings. Equipment list is then compiled in an itemized numbering system and provided in a booklet form. A scaled floor plan is also provided with the itemized equipment in their specific locations.


The Architects’ engineering team, consisting of mechanical, electrical, structural and interior designers, work with the information received and put together drawings in which all aspects of the construction are to strict building code standards. Mechanical drawings include plumbing requirements, pipe sizes for DWV, potable water services, fire protection and ventilation.

Equipment suppliers only provide the specified equipment for the project.


Under Mechanical specifications floor drains, grease interceptors and plumbing fixtures have a numbering system as well. Materials used to connect the equipment such as pipe, fittings hardware, floor drains, grease interceptors are all under mechanical specifications.


Water Service, Fixtures and Accessories Copyright © 2022 by Nova Scotia Community College. All Rights Reserved.

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