2. Mobile Home Services

Because mobile homes will be moved on and off their lots, it is important to ensure that the sewer and water services are not damaged from the connecting and disconnecting of the services and from the homes wheels.

The drains are usually connected with MJ coupling while the water service uses threaded fittings or meter union.

Section Mobile Home Water Service

A water service pipe intended to serve a mobile home shall

  1. be not less than 3/4 inch in size,
  2. terminate above ground, and
  3. be provided with
    1. a tamperproof terminal connection that is capable of being repeatedly connected, disconnected and sealed,
    2. a protective concrete pad,
    3. a means to protect it from frost heave, and
    4. a curb stop and a means of draining that part of the pipe located above the frost line when not in use.


Water Service, Fixtures and Accessories Copyright © 2022 by Nova Scotia Community College. All Rights Reserved.

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