
Clinical Evaluations

Practical Nursing Program Clinical Evaluation

All learners must be evaluated during their clinical placements by their clinical instructors who collaborate with faculty as well as the Academic Chair.

All learners will be evaluated using formative and summative evaluation strategies.


The purpose of formative evaluation is for constructive feedback and teaching.


The purpose of summative evaluation is to evaluate the learner progress in meeting the specific outcomes resulting in an overall PASS or FAIL rating. The learners are expected to demonstrate meeting all clinical outcomes while they are in the clinical setting providing care to actual clients.

Anecdotal notes will be included when and where necessary in the evaluation process. These anecdotal notes provide the learner with comments about areas of concern or areas of exceptional work. These anecdotal notes will remain a part of the learners’ file while they are in the program.

Example from clinical evaluation tools

Learners should familiarize themselves with the evaluation process for each clinical rotation. The clinical evaluation tool should be reviewed by the learner prior to the start of their clinical rotation.

For successful completion of this clinical course, a learner must receive a grade of pass. Using clinical judgment, the clinical instructor evaluates the learner’s overall performance (rating code) of specific performance criteria reflecting the clinical course learning outcomes.

Rating code Description Potential Action
Exceeds Functions independently without supporting cues. Continually exceeds expectations for this level. Documentation required to support this rating. Deemed competent to proceed to next clinical.
 Meets Functions with minimal assistance, requiring occasional supporting cues. Preforming as expected for this level. Deemed competent to proceed to next clinical.
Partially meets Functions with frequent assistance, requiring numerous verbal and occasional physical directive cues. Not performing as expected for this level but not unsafe. Documentation required to support this rating With the faculty, learners will develop a plan to support the learner’s progression prior to next clinical.
Does not Meet Functions dependently, requiring continuous verbal and physical cues. Not performing as expected for this level with significant concerns for the safety of client, peers, staff or self. Documentation required to support this rating. If the learner did not meet the outcomes in 2 areas, this will mean an automatic failure in the clinical placement.

Learners who receive an overall failure for clinical will be expected to meet with the faculty and Academic Chair to discuss appropriate interventions/strategies or remediation prior to repeating the clinical course.

Anytime a learner is deemed to be unsafe in any clinical setting, their clinical experience will be stopped at the discretion of the preceptor &/or the faculty in consultation with the Academic Chair.


Intersession and Internship, like all clinical placements, have a mandatory attendance policy. At the time of these placements more detailed information will be provided to you.

  • Learners must meet the specific outcomes and number of hours of the Intersession and Internship courses to ensure that they have met all semester and overall program outcomes.
  • All selected placement sites, although they may vary in skills availability, meet the criteria and expectation for obtaining skillsets required for the program.
  • Final assessments for these mentorship placements will be in consultation with the Academic Chair, faculty and preceptor.
  • The ultimate responsibility to pass/fail a learner is the same process/consultation (as and if required) for any clinical course whether they are instructor or preceptor led.

Learners are expected to provide feedback relating to their clinical experience and will be asked to complete an NSCC internal survey. It is important that learners participate in the formal feedback process.

Nova Scotia College of Nursing

Graduates may apply to the NSCN for a conditional license upon successful completion of the NSCC program and prior to the writing of the national examination. The graduate is responsible to make an application to NSCN to write the National exam.

Canadian Practical Nurses Exam (CPNRE)

The Practical Nursing Diploma program at NSCC prepares learners to meet the standards set by the Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) and the NSCN Entry-to- Practice Competencies for Licensed Practical Nurses (2019) and to write the Canadian Practical Nurses Registration Exam (CPNRE) upon successful completion of the program.

  • NSCN delivers the CPNRE. You will find information on the dates and registration process on the NSCN website.
  • A representative of NSCN will come to your classroom, in person or via Teams, to discuss the details surrounding the process for the registration and the writing of the exam which applies to your month and year of graduation.
  • The Fee is set annually by the NSCN, in accordance with Yardstick Assessment Strategies INC (ASI).
  • Please be aware that these fees may change without notice. You will be advised of the current fees associated with your exam. A representative from NSCN will visit your classroom and provide specific details.
  • The CPNRE is a computer-based exam and is offered three times per year by NSCN and typically occurs in early Spring, early Fall and December or January. NSCN advertises on their website the dates for the exam.

Graduates are given three opportunities to successfully pass the CNPRE.

NSCC does not deliver the CPNRE and the guidelines and restrictions around the writing of that exam lie solely with the NSCN.


Each heading has some examples (which is not an inclusive list) of expected behaviors and legal responsibilities of an LPN.  These are also expected of learners entering this profession.  Please refer to the following link to familiarize yourself with the full document:  EntryLevelCompetenciesLPN.pdf (nscn.ca)

The competencies are organized under the following headings: professional practice, legal practice, ethical practice, foundations of practice and collaborative practice

Professional Practice

  1. Are responsible and accountable for their own decisions and actions
  2. Develop the therapeutic nurse-client relationship
  3. Demonstrate leadership in all aspects of practice
  4. Demonstrate professional conduct

Legal Practice

  1. Apply the ethical framework of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship
  2. Promote clients’ rights and responsibilities

Ethical Practice

  1. Adhere to legal requirements of practical nursing practice
  2. Maintain client confidentiality in written, oral and electronic communication
  3. Adhere to legal requirements regarding documentation

Foundations of Practice

  1. Complete comprehensive health assessments of clients throughout the lifespan
  2. Formulate clinical decisions that are consistent with client needs and priorities
  3. Implement evidence-informed nursing interventions based on assessments findings, client preferences and desired outcomes
  4. Set priorities and develop time-management skills for meeting responsibilities
  5. Facilitate the involvement of clients in their care plan
  6. Facilitate health education
  7. Contribute to a culture of safety
  8. Perform ongoing evaluation throughout delivery of care

Collaborative Practice

  1. Initiate, maintain and terminate collaborative relationships with clients
  2. Communicate collaboratively with the client and other members of the health-care team
  3. Demonstrate leadership within the health-care team


Practical Nursing Student Information Handbook Copyright © 2023 by Nova Scotia Community College. All Rights Reserved.

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