H5P activities list

This book includes 49 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Check Your Knowledge: The Importance of CommunicationFill in the Blanks
2Communication at WorkQuestion Set
3Check Your Knowledge: Responsibilities of Business CommunicatorsQuestion Set
4Check Your Knowledge: Channel of CommunicationQuestion Set
5Media RichnessImage Sequencing
6Lera Boroditsky TED talkDrag Text
7Inclusive Language ExercisesCourse Presentation
8Inclusive PronounsCourse Presentation
9Which type of appeals are you most drawn to?Personality Quiz
10Logos, Ethos, or Pathos?Question Set
11Rhetorical ListeningQuestion Set
12Visual RhetoricQuestion Set
13Research SkillsCourse Presentation
14Managing Your AnxietyFill in the Blanks
15Methods of DeliveryQuestion Set
16Presenting Online QuizQuestion Set
17David Phillips TED TalkQuestion Set
18Writing Process and Storytelling Interactive LectureCourse Presentation
19Grabber TypesAccordion
20Nancy Duarte: Structure Your Presentaton Like a StoryFill in the Blanks
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