Professional Conduct Rubric

Demonstrate professional conduct in accordance with the recognized standards of practice or expectations of the profession as well as the protocol outlined in the NSCC Student Code of Conduct.

Four levels of competency as follows:

  1. Unsatisfactory
  2. Developing
  3. Competent
  4. Excellence

In choosing your level of competence, please think of examples that support your evaluation.

Professional Conduct Rubric[1]


Criteria 1 2 3 4
I take responsibility for my actions
I come to class/practicum prepared to learn
I attend class regularly and take responsibility for any missed work, information, etc.
I give sufficient notice if I am late or absent when possible
I request help when needed from faculty
I request help when needed from Student Services
I do not assign blame for problems, rather, I look for solutions
I use classroom/lab resources wisely
I am respectful of lab policies
I do not take credit for the work of others
I demonstrate academic honesty in all endeavors


Criteria 1 2 2 4
I maintain confidentiality of information shared in class and/or individual discussions
I do not post private information regarding classmates/faculty/clients/placement sites on social media, in accordance with NSCC Social Media Policy
I maintain confidentiality of information I learn during work experience/clinical/practicum

Positive Attitude/Adaptability

Criteria 1 2 3 4
I demonstrate a positive attitude
I am patient with myself and others
I communicate in a sincere manner appropriate for the audience
I willingly accept constructive feedback
I adapt to changes in scheduling
I am receptive to new ideas
I experiment with new techniques for completing tasks and jobs I practice self-care and support the wellbeing of others

Time Management/ Responsibility

Criteria 1 2 3 4
I complete all assignments on time.
I arrive for all program activities/placements prepared and on time
I use time management strategies – calendars, priority (to do) lists effectively
I turn my cell phones off or to vibrate during class time and placements
I schedule appointments for days and times when I do not have class/practicum whenever possible

Continuous Learning

Criteria 1 2 3 4
I seek out learning opportunities
I seek clarification/asks questions
I am attentive during class discussions
I do not spend class time on social media or texting
I contribute to class discussions (in-person and online)
I seek new methods of learning and completing tasks
I seek ways to build or improve my existing skills and knowledge

Working Safely

Criteria 1 2 3 4
I am mindful of the safety of others
I identify safety hazards or concerns and report them
I remove safety hazards where possible
I keep my class/lab/workspace clean and safe
I contribute to an emotionally safe learning environment

Professional Image

Criteria 1 2 3 4
My hygiene and grooming/dress is safe and appropriate for the environment/industry
I use language appropriate for learning environments/industry (no foul language, minimal use of slang terminology)
I maintain a scent free environment
I maintain an image appropriate for my program/industry on social media
I understand the potential implications of the information I share on social media.
I send emails written in a respectful professional manner (formal writing)
Criteria 1 2 3 4
I am committed to tasks and attend group meetings
I do my share of work
I complete assigned group tasks on time
I contribute ideas to projects
I initiate activities to get class involved in group related activities (campus/community events)
I listen to views of others without interrupting
I do not monopolize class discussions
I am aware of my body language during group discussions/meetings
I give and receive feedback in a positive manner
I seek and value unique skills of others on the team
I willingly assist other members of the team
I manage conflict in a respectful manner

  1. This rubric is based on information from Conference Board of Canada. (2000). Employability skills 2000+.


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