What comes next?

One of the most frequent questions we get from students is “what should I be doing to get ready to attend NSCC?”.  Here are a few thoughts:


  • Attend Get Started – if you are confirmed in your program by the end of April/early May, you’ll get an invitation to attend your campus welcome event called Get Started.  Plan to attend. This event is a great way to meet your student services team, your faculty and your fellow students. It will give you a great sense of what your program is all about.
  • Check out a webinar – over the summer, we offer a number of helpful webinars for students on topics such as applying for awards, introduction to Brightspace, on/off campus housing, money matters financial planning and more. Review the Get Started Events listing to register.
  • Start your budget – understanding the financial realities of coming to college is important to your success. Review our financial supports page and start exploring your options.
  • Connect with us – if you’ve got questions and would like a little support, complete the Contact Your Advisor and we’ll get in touch. Or connect with your campus directly.


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NSCC Student Advising Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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