
Who’s Who at NSCC

In addition to your instructors, each campus has a Student Services team dedicated to helping you get the most out of your experience at NSCC. It’s important to know who these employees are but even more important, to know what they do. Getting to know who to contact for certain services and supports means you can quickly get the assistance you need when the academic year begins.

Position When to reach out
Student Services Advisor When you want help accessing services and learning supports, completing activities in this book and goal setting. If you’re a member of the African Canadian and/or Indigenous communities, there are advisors who can provide inclusive and culturally-specific supports and services. Students registered in Achieve get this type of support through the Achieve program coordinator.
Assistant Registrar When you have questions about your enrolment or transcript.
Student Accessibility
When you have a documented disability and need to request academic accommodations and access funding for disability-related equipment or services.
Counsellor Common issues counsellors can help with include: stress and anxiety, depression, relationships, grief, or questions relating to academics or career. Students registered in the Adult Learning Program (ALP) access this type of support from an ALP Counsellor.
Library staff When you need help with research and assignments, locating resources, citation questions or borrowing library materials or laptops.
Learning Commons
Assistant/Test Center
When you need to use the Testing Centre or require help navigating learning supports and using assistive technology.
Administrative Assistant, Student Services When you need help enrolling in courses, making appointments with Student Services, or finding campus resources.
Indigenous Supports Advisor Indigenous supports advisors are a resource for students of First Nation, Metis and Inuit descent who can answer your questions and help you find the information, services and tools you need to succeed in your program.
African Canadian Supports Advisor If you are a member of the African Canadian community, NSCC African Canadian supports advisors can answer your questions and help you find the information, services and tools you need to succeed in your program.
International Supports Advisor If you are an international student, NSCC international advisors can answer your questions and help you find the information, services and tools you need to succeed in your program.
Student Association (SA) If you want to become more involved on campus, or bring a campus issue forward.
Coordinator, Housing and Transition Supports When you need housing and arrival advice, or to learn more about what your communities have to offer.


To find key contacts, visit your campus page on Connect where you can choose your campus as a dropdown option to filter the list of employees by location.


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NSCC Student Advising Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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