

NSCC Edition

Adapted from Communication and Mentoring in the Trades by Tim Carson, Camosun College shared under a CC BY 4.0 licence.

Cover image:  Floor plan, Construction, Building image from Pixabay. Used under Free Pixabay Licence.

Why this Book?

The need for clear and concise communication cannot be understated. The same statement could be applied to the topic and practice of mentoring within the skilled trades. One could argue that one of the strongest foundations for a solid mentoring experience would include a communication strategy that takes into account varying degrees and pathways towards success.

Your success in your apprenticeship, as well as your career in the skilled trades, can in part be traced to how well you give and receive information and how well you treat those under your guidance and influence. Indeed, everything rises and falls with leadership, leadership is influence, and one of the best methods of influencing is to be clear in what you think and how you communicate.

What is in this Book?

Following the Industry Training Authority’s outline for the Plumbing, Steamfitting, and Sprinkler-Fitter trades this book looks to address lines F in both level one and level 4 (level 3 with respect to Sprinkler-Fitter). There are sections for you to read, there are videos offered in most chapters, and there are quizzes embedded with the book. As with most books, this one is designed to be used both in the classroom as well as out in the field. Your resources should be available for your reference as experiences in the field do not follow you into the classroom, and vice versa.

When Should You Apply this Knowledge?

The short answer is, today! The skills you learn here are skills that are very transferrable to different contexts. Whether that context is the mechanical room, the board room, or the family room. The great thing with this subject matter is that these principles are not unique to the skilled trades and that is why this subject matter is so powerful. the lessons you learn here will make you a better communicator, mentor, and leader. These qualities are skills that one can learn and reach a certain level of mastery. The exciting thing is that once you begin applying the skills of becoming a better communicator and mentor you will not only have a positive influence on others, you will have a positive influence within your trade and industry.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Communication and Mentoring in the Trades Copyright © 2021 by Tim Carson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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