36 Group/Screen (ABS) and BB Hold Procedure


The Group/Screen and BB hold is a procedure that provides a current BB sample in lab in case transfusion is required. The Group/Screen includes an ABO/Rh test and Antibody Screen .The BB Hold only requires a history check however is convertible to perform Group /Screen; both tests can provide further BB testing. These tests provide a patient’s Group/Rh and Antibody status to physicians and often accompany low risk procedures. The specimen is available in the Transfusion Medicine Lab in case transfusion is required. If transfusion becomes necessary, patients with a negative antibody screen can safely receive Red Cells that are ABO and Rh compatible upon completion of a crossmatch procedure. Individual test methods are described in respective procedures.


  1. Patients that have been transfused with a  component containing RCs or pregnant within the preceding three months or if the history of transfusion or pregnancy is uncertain or unknown, specimens  have to be no older than 96 hours (collected within 96 hours prior to transfusion).
  2. For patients who have not been transfused or pregnant in the last three months their specimen may be stored and used according to the policy of the lab.
  3. Patients that have demonstrable clinical significant RC antibodies or have a history of; antigen negative units should crossmatched and available for surgery . The methodology used for crossmatching patients who have antibodies usually involves the IAT technique.



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