13 Patient History Check


 The patient history check is necessary to identify records of serologic history and transfusion requirements. A check of serologic records allows comparison of current ABO tests with past results and identifies the previous existence of any clinically significant antibodies or adverse reactions. The review of transfusion requirements ensures that the patient receives appropriate blood and components.

Related Policies

This procedure applies to all pre-transfusion testing.


  1. Once the requisition and specimen are checked for acceptance, the requisition is used to find the patients’ card for previous transfusion records. Both crossmatch records and prenatal records are checked despite what the requests are for the patient at this point in time. The following information is reviewed:
    1. Previous ABO and Rh typing
    2. Previous transfusions
    3. Difficulties in blood typing
    4. Previously identified clinically significant RC antibodies
    5. Adverse reactions to previous transfusions
    6. Special transfusion requirements
  2. The patients’ requisition and card(s) are kept together with the board for the patient while testing is performed.


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