
Research and Evidence Based Practice

Michelle A. Prendergast and Geetha Kada

Cohort 2019-2020


You are a part of a global effort to increase access to education and empower students through “open pedagogy.”  Open pedagogy is a “free access” educational practice that places you – the student – at the center of your own learning process in a more engaging, collaborative learning environment.  The ultimate purpose of this effort is to achieve greater social justice in our community in which the work can be freely shared with the broader community.  This is a renewable assignment that is designed to enable you to become an agent of change in your community through the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  For this work, you will integrate the disciplines of English and Nursing to achieve SDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being and SDG #10: Reduced Inequalities.   

Learning Objectives


  • Summarize and analyze college-level reading and texts
  • Integrate information into essays by quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, based on assigned readings and texts
  • Demonstrate standard citation and documentation procedures


  • Determine how nursing research contributes to evidence based nursing practice.
  • Utilize evidence-based practice to plan and make decisions about patient care.


This active learning practice is designed to improve your academic skills, increase community connections, and improve social justice for our community.


You will be required to watch one episode from the listed documentary videos, Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?  You will access the episode in our Blackboard course under the Library Course Reserves Tab (you may have to use your M# to access the Library’s materials from home). Then you will have to summarize your episode in a response of one (full) page in length and post your initial reflection discussion post. To write an effective summary, ensure that you fully understand what you have watched. You should take notes while watching the documentary; this will help you to identify main ideas and supporting details. After you have watched the documentary, review your notes and choose 3-4 main points from your notes and rewrite these main points in your own words.

Format Requirements


English: Summary paper.

Nursing : Reflection paper.



Research and Evidence Based Practice is licensed by Michelle A Prendergast, Montgomery College and Geetha Kada, Montgomery College under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY)


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Research and Evidence Based Practice Copyright © 2021 by Michelle A. Prendergast and Geetha Kada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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