
Faculty Guidelines

Faculty members hold the responsibility of endorsing, overseeing, monitoring, and assessing work experiences. As a pivotal bridge connecting employers and our students, your leadership plays a vital role in guaranteeing suitable experience and fostering student achievements. We strongly encourage you to thoroughly review the guidelines with every student who is pursuing work experience credits. By adopting this practice, you ensure that students gain a thorough understanding of essential policies, procedures, and the expected benchmarks.

student and faculty at table on laptop.


  • Deliver information sessions for students prior to their work experience searches
  • Direct any employers applying for the Cooperative Education Incentive through Labour, Skills, and Immigration (Labour and Advanced Education) to Career & Employment Services for endorsement. workexperience@nscc.ca (Employers must be endorsed by the WIL office for funding approval)
  • Prepare Brightspace course for students
  • Review and approve work experience, ensuring proper risk management practices are in place
  • Students must successfully complete all courses prior to starting a work experience. However, for some programs, at the discretion of the Academic Chair, students may be permitted to participate provided health and safety are not at risk (using the Academic Review Form)
  • Direct any students participating in co-op to enroll in the co-op course and pay appropriate tuition fees
  • Assist the student with determining personal learning outcomes for work experiences
  • Explain the goals of work experience and the skill set of the student to the employer
  • Inform the student of the code of professional and ethical conduct required by the workforce or profession
  • Explain, distribute, and collect completed forms, as necessary, to students and employer partners
  • Track work experience details in Work Experience Portal (Professional Practice placements are tracked differently, reach out to Career & Employment Services for direction and support)
  • Monitor student progress while the student is on work experience
  • It is not permissible for students to terminate employment prematurely. If this is an issue, they must communicate with you so you can support the student and employer partner to achieve the best possible outcome for all parties
  • In cases where a signed, legal contract with the employer is a condition of the work experience, under no circumstances should students attempt to break such an agreement without first discussing and clearing it with you – our team is here to support you with this if needed
  • If there is a need for the student to commute or re-locate to another geographical area for the work experience, students are to discuss this with you prior to starting work
  • At no time are students to leave one employer for another, unless first receiving approval from you
  • If completing a co-op, students are required to return to the College to commence second year classes
  • Explain the evaluation process to employer, and collect and review their feedback
  • Evaluate student performance and assign a grade
  • Communicate the opportunities for the Co-op/Work-Integrated Learning Student of the Year awardsstudent and faculty at table on laptop.


Student responsibilities are outlined in the Work Experience Student Guide (and on Connect).


Employer responsibilities are outlined in the Work Experience Employer Guide (and on NSCC public website).


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Work-Integrated Learning Faculty Guide Copyright © 2023 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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