User Guidelines
Faculty responsibilities
- Cultivate connections with community partners and identify suitable opportunities for the program
- Align Service Learning projects with program and course goals
- Provide students with comprehensive information on Service Learning
- Help students in recognizing the connection between service and learning
- Assist in creating learning plans and establishing agreements with community partners
- Prioritize risk management and safety considerations
- Provide guidance and support throughout the Service Learning project
- Assess and evaluate learning outcomes
- Celebrate the achievements gained through portfolio learning experiences
- Ensure all Service Learning forms are completed
Community Partners
- Share pertinent information about the organization’s service requirements with NSCC
- Collaboratively design service learning projects that both address real community need and meet stated learning goals and objectives for the students
- Assist with orientation and/or training to prepare students for active involvement, and to supervise and support students during their projects
- Provide student(s) with ongoing feedback and assessment throughout their projects
- Collaborate as a co-educator; such as participating in classroom presentations on relevant topics at the invitation of Faculty member
- Work with the Faculty and student(s) to fulfill all necessary service learning forms
- Prepare for Service Learning activity by attending and participating in any orientation sessions provided by your Faculty and your Community Partner.
- Intentionally take on the dual role of student and service provider.
- Expect to participate in activities that prepare you for this role (theory, site visit, risk management planning, meeting with Community Partners, writing your learning goals, etc.).
- Actively engage in service delivery in the community.
- Reflect upon the meaning of the experience to you personally, intellectually, and with respect to citizenship.
- Accept the responsibilities inherent in community engagement, including responsible behaviour, and respectful relationship building.
- Work with your Faculty and Community Partner to complete all service learning forms.