

Student, Faculty and Employer Guides have been developed to ensure there is a clear understanding of the work experience procedures.

Employer Guide

The Employer Guide can be found on our website under “Hire a Student

Student Guide & Forms

The Student Guide and copies of the forms required for work experiences can be found on Connect under Work Experience Guidelines for Students

International Student Guidebook

NSCC International has created an International Student Guidebook which includes information on supports specific to international students.

Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

NSCC policies and procedures applicable to students during a work experience can be found on the College website under Policies and Procedures.

NSCC is committed to taking an active stance regarding the promotion of human rights, equity, and inclusion in our communities on and off campus.

diverse group of students outside smiling with their arms around each other.

Information on how to seek help if experiencing an unsafe, disrespectful, or harmful workplace environment can also be found on the College website under Policies and Procedures.


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Work-Integrated Learning Student Guide Copyright © 2023 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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