
8 Unit 2: Self-test

Find answers to this self-test at the back of the book: Answers for Self-Tests

True or false

  1. Hands should be flat, but palms of hands not resting on the keyboard.
  2. Feet should be flat on the ground and cross.
  3. Keep eyes on the hands rather than the keyboard.
  4. Always try to return your fingers to the base position when you are not typing.

Fill in the blank

  1. [Blank] typing is a method of typing without looking at the keyboard.
  2. [Blank] body in front of keyboard and sit up straight.
  3. Base positions or [blank] row keys: the row of keys located on the middle row of the keyboard.
  4. The home row keys for the left hand are A, S, [blank], and F.
  5. The home row keys for the right hand are J, [blank], L, and the semicolon (;).

Multiple choice

  1. Benefits of touch typing:
    1. speed
    2. productivity
    3. accuracy
    4. all of the above
  2. Arms relaxed and bent to about [blank] degrees; elbows naturally close to body.
    1. 45°
    2. 60°
    3. 30°
    4. 90°
  3. The home row keys for the left hand are A, S, D, and [blank].
    1. L
    2. F
    3. K
    4. L
  4. Keyboards usually have small bumps on the [blank] keys.
    1. S and D
    2. A and F
    3. F and J
    4. all of the above
  5. Press all [blank] keys with the left ring finger.
    1. pink
    2. brown
    3. yellow
    4. purple
  6. Press all [blank] keys with the left index finger.
    1. pink
    2. brown
    3. light green
    4. purple
  7. Press all [blank] keys with the right ring finger.
    1. grey
    2. brown
    3. light green
    4. purple


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