H5P activities list

This book includes 147 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
61components of speciationMultiple Choice
649.2 Understanding EvolutionColumn
6510.2 Animal Form and FunctionColumn
6610.3 Animal Primary TissuesColumn
6711.3 Visual ConnectionMultiple Choice
68Renal Absorption and SecretionInteractive Video
69Label the following animal cell by clicking and dragging the terms to the proper positions.Drag and Drop
7011.2 - ExercisesColumn
7111.2 FIBColumn
7211.3 Video 1Interactive Video
7311.3 Video 2Interactive Video
7411.3 Visual Connection 2Multiple Choice
7511.3 Review ExercisesColumn
7611.3 Video 3Interactive Video
7711.3 Video 4Interactive Video
7811.4 Review ExercisesColumn
7911.5 Review ExercisesColumn
80RAAS VideoInteractive Video
81Chapter 12.2 Figure 12.7Multiple Choice
82Chapter 12.2 Figure 12.8Multiple Choice
1 2 3 4 5 6 8