
9.4: Engaging Families

Teachers can use the following strategies to help families to develop their children’s mathematical understanding:

  • Communicate to families
    • the broader aspects of developing number sense; for example, using counting in real-life situations, comparing numbers and discussing which is more or less, making estimations (e.g., How many grapes are in this bowl?), and solving simple addition and subtraction problems.
    • what classification and patterning are about and how they contribute to children’s understanding of mathematics.
    • the importance of early measuring experiences and types of measurement experiences they can do with children.
    • that mathematical reasoning is being able to think mathematically and explore different ways of solving problems
  • Remind parents that daily use of numbers (which are everywhere!) can become learning experiences for children.
  • Provide number-related games and books that children can take home or that families can make or purchase.
  • Encourage parents to
    • involve children in everyday measurement experiences
    • refer to shapes in the environment when talking with children
    • use spatial words in everyday interactions with children
    • recognize math in everyday events and interactions and turn them into learning experiences[1]
Figure 9.14: Cooking and baking are excellent opportunities to explore math with children. Image Credit: Image by FNS Midwest is in the public domain.

  1. The California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1 by the California Department of Education is used with permission


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Introduction to Curriculum for Early Childhood Education Copyright © 2022 by Jennifer Paris; Kristin Beeve; and Clint Springer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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